-Chapter 3: Queen of Mean-

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We arrive at the Isle to see many people waiting already. We head in, parking at the gate and get off to find the new VKs and their guardians all standing and waiting there. Mal and Ben head to Celia, Carlos and Jay go to Squirmy and Squeeky and Evie and I head to Dizzy. "Do you have everything?" I hear Madame Tremaine say. "Yes, I have everything." Dizzy replies, hefting her suitcases into the trunk of the limo. "Are you sure?" Madame Tremaine asks again. Dizzy sighs, turning around. "I'm sure, Granny."

"Oh, really?" She asks again, this time lifting Dizzy's beloved hot glue gun in her hands. "My glue gun!" Dizzy says, taking it in her hands immediately. I chuckle as I watch, leaning my head on Evie's shoulder. "I don't know what you're going to do without me." Madame Tremaine says, looking away, trying to hide her emotions. "I'll miss you." Dizzy says, making the lady look at her awkwardly. "Go on, go on." She says instead, trying to get out of the emotional situation. "Goodbye, Granny." Dizzy says before turning to us.

"Is this real?" She asks us. I feel a prick at my arm and wince. "Ow." I say, looking at Evie who had just pinched me. "Yep, it is." She says. "What was that for?" I ask, rubbing my arm and pouting. "If this is a dream, you would disappear. Because one of my dreams is being your girlfriend." She says, smiling sweetly. I feel my face flush as I look away. "Awwww, you two are so cute. Even on TV!" Dizzy says. "I'm so glad we've been public." Evie says, nuzzling my cheek with her nose. "'Cause I can do this." She adds before kissing me quickly. "Hm..." I hum, smiling into the kiss before pulling away. "Not in front of the kids, E!" I joke, slapping her arm lightly.

Dizzy smirks, walking away. "No kids now!" She says before getting into the limo. I laugh at the girl. She's beginning to feel like Evie and I's child, it's kind of funny. "Let's go." I say, pulling the blue haired girl with me as we get back into the limo. I sit on the side seat, opposite Evie and Dizzy who are talking and talking and talking. "So, as soon as we get to Auradon, you have to try ice cream." Evie says as Dizzy smiles excitedly. "And go swimming?" She asks, making the blue haired girl think. "We can take her to the Enchanted Lake." I offer, making Evie grin widely and nod. "That's perfect!" She says. "I can't believe I get to live with you in your very own castle!" Dizzy says, sighing happily.  "It's just a temporary castle." Evie says, looking at me. "Once Y/N's castle is built, it'll be my designing studio and a place for new VKs." She says.

"You get your own castle?" Dizzy asks me, eyes wide. "Being a queen has its perks." I reply, laughing. I see Evie look at Mal and Ben at the back seat, smiling at them before gazing out the back window. Her expression morphs from happy to confused. "It's Hades." She says, making me whip my head to see the god running to the barrier....which is still closing. "Stop the car. He's trying to escape!" Evie adds, making Jay stop the car. Hades puts his hands through the barrier, keeping it open just wide enough for his head and arm to go through.  We keep the young VKs in the car as the rest of us get out. "I am a god!" He shouts at us, his dull blue hair now catching on fire. Blue fire. "I don't belong here!" He shouts, trying to push through. Ben and the boys rush forward, only for Hades to use his blue ember stone to blast them, making the three strong boys fall on the floor.

I watch as my father laughs like a maniac. I knew he was my father, many people heard rumours but were too scared to ask, and I doubt Audrey was willing to repeat the threat I had said to her back when us VKs first arrived. "Stop!" I shout, seeing Hades grin and growl at me. I let the matching light blue smoke engulf me as I transform into a dragon. Unlike my mother, I am a blue and purple dragon with blue fire, like Hades' hair. I growl at him as he laughs at me. I swoop down at him, planning to push him back when he uses his ember to blast me. As I get hit, I try to fight against the magic, but I feel my strength fading. I roar in frustration and pain as Hades just cackles. "Y/N!" I hear Evie shout, making me look at her. "Blast him, Y/N!" Mal shouts. She doesn't know how to transform yet, so she isn't able to help much.

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