-Chapter 4: Curses-

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We arrive at Auradon and Mal gets called into a meeting. "You too, Queen Y/N." Lumiere says, bowing to me. I glance at the kids who Jay and Carlos are wrestling with and making a mess while Evie is glancing at them warily. "Could I skip this meeting? Mal can inform me of what is debated." I say, making Lumiere nod. "Very well. Lady Mal?" He asks, offering his arm. I smile at Mal, trusting her to tell me everything as she smiles back before leaving.

"Boys." I say, immediately making them stop. "Let's get them settled, yeah?" I ask, grinning as they scramble to get up. "Right." Carlos says sheepishly. Evie takes my hand and we begin walking to her palace, hauling the kids' things with us.

Once we arrive, the kids all stare wide eyed at the fairly big house. "Rooms are up here." Evie says, leading them up the staircase and into the hallway where she tells them which rooms are free, which is most of them. The twins take one room, Celia another and Dizzy another. They immediately head in, closing the doors and leaving Evie and I alone in the hallway. Carlos had gone to collect a cake for Jane's birthday later today while Jay was downstairs setting stuff up to bring to the party. "Why do I feel like a foster parent?" I question, turning to the princess as she faces me too, a smile on her face. "Because between us old VKs, it's like we adopted four more." She says, chuckling. I smile, taking her hand and pulling her with me as we leave the hallway and go to our room instead.

"How long till the party?" I hear Jay call from downstairs. I click my phone on, glancing at it to check the time. "Like, half an hour!" I call back. "Cool! Cheers!" Jay shouts before a loud sound is heard from below. I assume he had dropped something because I hear a long string of curses before more sounds are heard. "Should we check on him?" Evie asks, tilting her head as the kitchen suddenly goes quiet. "Yeah...I think we should." I reply, pecking her on the lips quickly before the two of us heads down the stairs into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, I see Jay attempting to pack a picnic basket. "What's all the noise about?" I ask, watching as he looks up sheepishly. "I...uh, may have dropped a bunch of plates?" He says, gesturing to the sink which had a large stack of plates, only a few broken. "Jay, we said we'd bring plastic plates!" Evie says, laughing as Jay goes red. "Right, I knew that." He says, heading to the cupboard and taking a stack of plastic plates. "Where are our spoons?" Evie asks, opening the drawing to take one. "I...dropped them too." The tourney player says. "Jay..." I say, laughing. "Plastic ones." Evie says again, making Jay take a box of plastic cutlery too. "Right." He says, packing the equipment. Once that was done and we rinsed the plates and cutlery, throwing the broken ones, I hear the door open.

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Make way for the cake!" Carlos calls as he heads to the kitchen with a large box. Jay, Evie and I scramble out and away. Jay and Carlos deal with the cake now as Evie and I hear a call from upstairs. "Can this day get any more chaotic?" I ask, groaning. Evie chuckles, kissing my cheek. "We'll be fine." She says as we head up, seeing Celia and Dizzy. "What's going on downstairs?" They ask, making me look at Evie. "Chaos." I mutter out, earning a nudge from the princess. "Just mess for Jane's birthday party." She says, smiling. "Birthday?" I hear one of the twins say as he pokes his head out. "Party?" The other twin says, poking his head out above his brother. "Yep. Carlos just came with the cake." Evie says, winking. "Cool..!" The kids say as Celia and Dizzy exchange glances.

Evie's phone dings and she glances at it. "Seems like Mal's on her way back." Evie says as I look at my own phone, seeing a message from my sister saying the same thing. "Y/N!" I hear someone call from downstairs. "Oh my goblins, what now?" I ask, groaning as the two of us head back down. "Y/N! Please use your queen powers to help us get some fresh apples from the market?" Carlos begs. "What, why?" I ask, confused. "I called and told them I needed a bunch, but they complained that it was a big chunk of their stock and don't want to give it to us. I told them it was for Jane's birthday and that the Queen would be upset and they didn't believe me." he explains. I roll my eyes, chuckling. "Alright, Los. Let's go." I say, heading out to the market with the boy.

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