-Chapter 6: Do What You Gotta Do-

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Celia leads me to a deserted side of the island, towards a skull shaped gate with a large sign saying 'GET LOST'

Celia walks to the door, fitting the key into the slot as I notice a sign. "Hey. How big is that dog?" I ask, reading the sign that says that there is a dog guarding it. Celia heaves a shuddering sigh, looking at me. "You'll see..."

Once we enter the cave, she closes the gate behind us. "Okay, stay quiet. It echoes like crazy in here." The girl says to me as she picks up two helmets that have torches on the front. She hands one to me and I put it on. The light in front crackling to life and shining barely a meter in front of me. "Come on. Come, come." She says, leading me to a two person bike. She takes the front seat as I take the back one and we begin pedalling. The electricity crackled around us and through loose wires around the cave. I assume that's why we're on a bike that is barely faster than walking. To deter the electricity. The sound of dogs barking gets louder as we approach, deafening my ears.

As we arrive, Celia and I take our helmets off, placing them on our seats as she turns to me, shushing me. I nod, following her further into the cave where it opens up to a more furnished area and a bunch of stairs. As we walk down the stairs, the barking gets repetitive. Almost as if it was going in a pattern. I poke Celia, questioning it with a glance and she rolls her eyes, pushing something which makes the sound screech to a halt. It was a disk! I smirk to myself as I spot a tall blue figure laying down on a worn out couch. It's Hades. And he's fast asleep, snoring. Celia gestures for me to go around the long way. I nod, following her instruction and making my way to the back of the sofa where Hades is and slowly reaching my hand to the table beside the couch where the light blue ember lays.

"What are you doing here?" Hades asks, not lifting his blackened glasses or anything, just speaking. I halt my movements and look at Celia, who fumbles with an answer. "I noticed you were low on canned corn..." She says, taking a can from her pouch and tossing it to the man who catches it with one hand. I slowly reach for the ember again, my fingers almost brushing the stone when a large hand wraps around my wrist, making me gasp. In a very oddly casual way, Hades turns his head to face me, resting his chin on his arm and taking his glasses off. I try to remain cool and casual too, staring him in his eyes. "Hi, dad." I say, making him wave with a hand. I see Celia tilt her head in confusion out of the corner of my eye, but ignore it, focusing on my father. "Quite a show you put on the other day." He says, almost proud.

"Right back at you." I mumble, recalling his cold glare and his power draining mine. He tosses my arm aside as if it was nothing and smirks at me. "Hm. I was just coming to see you." He says. I scoff, standing up and crossing my arms. "Oh yeah? After a whole year? Why? Is it because I'm Queen now?" I ask, walking to stand in front of the god as he pockets the ember. Shit.

He stands, walking to my side and bending slightly to wrap his arms around me in an awkward side hug, which I try to squirm out of. "Now, now, Y/N. Don't be bitter." He says, chuckling. "C'mon. You left when I was a baby." I say, rolling my eyes. "No, no. I left your mother. She is not the easiest person to get along with." He says, chuckling to himself. I let out a bitter chuckle, moving to lean against a wall. "Ya think?" I mutter. He turns, smiling at me. "You see? We have something in common already!" He says, going to hug me again. I flee to the other side of the area. "No, I don't hate my mother. She may be an evil lunatic, but at least she stuck around." I say, pointing a finger at him. "And now I also have a wonderful little sister who's been my everything for most of my life." I add.

"Oh right, that purple haired girl. Mal? The future Queen of Auradon? You two really made something out of yourselves." He says, laughing. "And that blue haired girl you've got for yourself? I thought she looked familiar. Isn't she the Evil Queen's girl?" He asks. I don't reply, which is a reply itself. "Right." He says before laughing bitterly. "Boo-hoo. Wake up and smell the stink, Y/N. You think you've had it rough?" He asks.

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