-Chapter 15: Resurrection-

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I'm with Ben, Mal, Evie, Fairy Godmother, Audrey's grammy and Ben's parents in Audrey's room. Audrey's grammy sits beside Audrey at the bed, holding her hand. We were losing her, so time is of the essence. We hear a knock at the door and the guards come in with a chained and bound Hades. I stand, walking to my father and smiling softly. "Thanks for coming." I say. He nods, shrugging. "Didn't have much choice." He says. "Can you wake her?" Ben asks from behind me. Hades looks at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Since when do heroes care about villains?" He asks. "She's...." Ben trails as Hades chuckles. "One of your own....right." He says, rolling his eyes. Ah, classic Hades attitude showing. "When you guys try to destroy the world...it's an error in judgement. But when it's one of us....lock them up and throw away the key." He says, turning to face Ben's father. "Right, Beast?" He asks. He doesn't answer and Hades chuckles before turning to me and raising his hands, only for the chains to bind him and the guards to spring into stance.

He chuckles, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, I'm gonna need to use my hands." He says. I nod at the guards, making them unlock his arms and hold out a hand. I take the ember, my eyes glowing as I grin at my dad who grins back. "That's my girl." He says before taking it and closing his eyes. His hair lights on fire and he grins. "Haven't lost my touch." He says before turning to be met with Beast again. He growls at him, making Beast growl back.

What a flattering look for the former king of Auradon and former God of the Underworld. "Dad..." I warn, making him look at me before smirking. "Fine, fine." he says, turning away. He walks to the foot of Audrey's bed as I retreat to Evie's side. She holds my hand, squeezing lightly as we watch the room become covered in a blue glow. "Pretty." Evie mutters, smiling. Blue was her colour, and now it's part of mine as well.

Hades moves his hand around in a circular motion, closing his eyes as the blue glow swirls around Audrey's body. As the blue fades, it looks like it enters Audrey's body, lifting her up so she's in a sitting position before her eyes fly open and she gasps. "Audrey." Her grammy says, gasping. "You're okay."

Audrey looks around, looking at us one by one. "Tell me it was all a bad dream." She says, eyes locking on Mal. "I wish I could." My sister responds, frowning. "But it's over now." I say, stepping next to my sister. Audrey shakes her head, spotting Ben and Evie behind us. "I wanted to hurt all of you...." She says, looking down at her hands. Maleficent's staff is all kinds of evil. There's a good chance that, although the stealing was all Audrey, the staff enhanced her evil desires, making her...well, evil.

"We have owed you an apology for....a very long time now." Mal says, looking at me. "And so have I." Ben says. Evie just rests her head on my shoulder because, c'mon, she didn't really do anything. "And perhaps, I have owed you one too...." Audrey's grammy says, looking at us, specifically at Mal. I smirk, laughing. "We're all sorry to each other." I say, making the others laugh lightly.

I turn my head when I hear chains rattling and the clang of metal only to see the guards putting chains on my fathers arms again. He looks at me, winking before they lead him out. "Give me a second." I tell the others, pecking Evie's lips before dashing out the door. "Dad!" I shout, waiting for the guards to stop and him to turn around. "At least I can say bye this time." I say, smirking. He laughs, shaking his head. "Now I'm gonna have to miss you all over again." I add. He shrugs, looking up. "Thanks for a glimpse of the sun." He says before leaning down when I hug him. "Take care of your girl, Y/N. I'm glad she's nothing like your mother." He jokes. I slap his arm lightly and he laughs before turning around and handing me the ember.

I smile as I watch him get led away, turning when I hear the door open. Mal, Ben, Evie, Fairy Godmother and Ben's parents file out. "Audrey needs to rest. And you..." Fairy Godmother says, pointing to Mal and I. "Have a crowning and celebration to prepare for."

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