Chapter 1-2: 🥀A Misappropriated Tart🥀 Pt. 2

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Once the four had finished the breakfast you made for them, Yuu and Grim got ready for the day. The group walked out the front door ready to head to Heartslabyul dorm, but was stopped when they saw a familiar figure standing under the tree near the front gate, admiring a bird that had landed on his finger.

 The group walked out the front door ready to head to Heartslabyul dorm, but was stopped when they saw a familiar figure standing under the tree near the front gate, admiring a bird that had landed on his finger

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"Y/n? I thought you left early to help the Coach." Yuu asked as he quietly approached, trying his hardest not to scare away the bird. "I did leave early, but when I arrived Mr. Vargas told me to arrive after the bell rung. He wished to introduce me to all of his students at once. So I returned to our dorm hoping that you had not left yet. Though I heard a chirp and became distracted by this little hatchling." You answered with a fond smile while gently petting the bird with the index finger of your free hand.

"Myaah! That bird looks so tasty!" Grim exclaimed causing the bird to fly away.

Slowly turning your head to the dumb feline, you slightly glared before letting out a sigh. Grim was always loud. There was no avoiding or preventing it. No matter how much you wished to strangle him, you couldn't. You tried to keep violence to a minimum since you retired from the title of Archon. So, you gave the cat a lecture in hopes of one day actually learning from his mistakes.

"Grim. It is impolite to yell for no reason. There is a time and place for it. You also can't blurt things out such as, the bird looking tasty. I enjoyed the bird's company but, you scared him off. Please, learn to read the mood of those around you." You lectured the fire weasel with a firm and strict tone. Grim felt a little bad and it became slightly visible. So, to ease your guilt and his, you lightly patted his head. "I am not angry. I am giving you a lesson to learn from."

The arrogant fire weasel nodded while smiling, "I'll forgive ya for scoldin' me if ya buy me tuna!"

With a light chuckle, you nodded, then looked at the others. "Shall we continue our journey for the forgiveness of your Housewarden?"

Deuce and Ace nodded as they walked beside you. They admired how you lectured Grim without needing to raise your voice. If you had been in their dorm they would have asked you to become Housewarden instead. Yuu ran up and grabbed your left hand while staring at you with stars in his eyes. He admired you greatly. Though, he began to question what else he felt towards you when you looked down and gave the boy a warm smile. The black haired boy's cheeks had a faint red tint, but he brushed it off as a similar feeling to when someone talented acknowledges your skills. Embarrassed and happy.

As you all walked down the hallways of the school, the lecture you gave Grim did not seem to penetrate his thick skull. He continued his loud and arrogant claims as he floated on front of the group. "Move it! Outta the way! Night Raven College student comin' through!" He boasted while floating past some students.

The students didn't seem very fond of the creature's attitude and would glare at him when he drew near. But, to Grim, this was their way of showing their interest. Boosting his ego even more than it already was.

"Oh? Did my collar catch your eye? It is way better than the one you're stuck with! You know, the one that makes it so you can't use magic? But hey, the school could always use another janitor! Bwahahaha!" Gloated the floating monster while laughing. He was delighted to finally have his pay back on Ace, for making fun of him and Yuu on the first day of school.

Yuu held up a sarcastic thumbs up, "Way to take the high road, Grim."

Sighing, you slightly shook your head, "I believe that he's suffered enough, Grim. Please refrain from further insults." Your voice sounded as if you were exhausted. Mentally you were fed up with the cat, but patience is key to these types of situations.

"Grrrrr! Trust me Grim, when I get my magic back, your hide is first up on the chopping block!" Growled the ginger. Deuce crossed his arms as he spoke, "Didn't the headmage JUST tell you yesterday, no more incidents? Regardless, you're not going to be able to participate in class if you can't use magic." Informed Deuce, "So why not just apologize to the housewarden? It's a small price to pay for having the collar removed."

"Aaaaargh! I hate this so! SO! Much!" Whined said boy.

Turning your head slightly to the right, and side glaring Ace, you spoke in an annoyed and demanding tone. "Enough complaining. You stated yesterday that you would apologize to your housewarden. Do not go back on your word."

Ace would complain out loud without a thought of how it could affect those around him or himself. That is what caused you to snap at him. Grim, although arrogant and short-tempered, he knew when to keep quiet during a lecture or lesson. Crowley was very prideful and vein but, that was just his personality. You could tell he wished for his students to grow and experience things, so he would not be as strict as he should be unless needed.

Grim was too far ahead to hear your words. Ace jumped at the change in your tone. He looked down at the floor slightly embarrassed for being scolded in front of people. "Sorry.." quietly muttered the boy.

"Hmm. Ya know, we do still have some time to kill before class starts. And I am kinda curious about the other dorms. Guess I'll go along and scope out the place while you make with the groveling." Suggested the floating cat.

"Since when did this become a field trip?!" Loudly questioned Ace.

You gently hooked your finger around the back of Grim's collar. "There will be no "scoping out" anything. Going with us to apologize will be your punishment for verbally tormenting Ace."

"Awwww man!" Grim cried out while being pulled towards the Hall of Mirrors.

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