📦A Move-In Struggle📦

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"H-huh? Did we...win?" Grim asked with a shaky voice.

"That was incredible Y/n! Thanks for your help." The black haired boy said as he slowly let go of you.

"Thank you for the praise, friend."

"Aw, geez, I was scared outta my- I mean, they didn't faze me one bit!"

Yuu let out a sigh as he smacked his forehead with his palm,"Sure Grim. Sure."

Suddenly Crowley burst through the front door and walked up the stairs. "Good evening. In another gesture of my immense kindness, I have brought you dinner. Wait. That's the creature we ejected for causing trouble at orientation! What is it doing here?!" He exclaimed while pointing a clawed finger at Grim.

"Takin' care of yer ghost problem, that's what. You're welcome, by the way!"

"What is the meaning of this, Yuu?" The headmage asked as he tapped his foot.

"Uh- well-"

"I let him in Headmage. I took pity on the poor creature and allowed him to stay during the rain. We then had a slight ghost problem."

"Ah, I see... But you know, on that topic, I do seem to recall that this dorm had a mischievous ghost problem. Ah, yes... That's why it was abandoned, in fact. The ghosts scared away all the students. How did you drive them away?"

"All I did was speak to them and offer them names so that if I were to call on them it would be easier to call for them by name." You said as you took the food from Crowley's arms. "I also very much appreciate you bringing us dinner. I would have pulled a few meals from my inventory."

"No problem at all! For I am gracious and merciful to those in need!"

"Indeed you are Headmage. Would you like to eat with us?"

"I shall join you after I test Yuu here. I would like to make sure that he can defend himself from ghosts when you are not here."

With a smile on your face, you place a hand on Crowley's left shoulder, "Yuu cannot do it alone, so he needs Grim to help with your test. If they impress you will you allow Grim to attend here with Yuu?"

"H-huh?" Grim flinched as he heard your offer to Crowley.

"Since I am gracious I will listen to your pleads and accept your offer."

"Thank you for your cooperation Headmage. I will set the table while you test them." And with that you walked to the kitchen. It was cleaner than you expected. That was all probably due to the stone hands you had summoned earlier to fix the broken parts of the house.


With Yuu:

"Would you two be so kind as to demonstrate your ghost-eradication methods for me? I need to make sure you can stay safe when you aren't with Y/n."

"Where's my tuna?! I'll only do this if I'm gettin' tuna out of this." Grim said as he crossed his arms.

"I will play the part of the ghosts. As for the tuna, you'll receive it when you defeat me. Oh, what generosity, Crowley..."

How can Y/n stand this annoying bird man? Both Yuu and Grim thought.

"Now to chug this transmutation potion!" Crowley proclaimed as he poured a potion into his mouth, quickly swallowing. This entire scene was then followed by a blinding white light. When it disappeared, a ghost with a crow mask took the place of Crowley.

"Ah, you gotta be kiddin' me. I gotta work together with the human?"

Yuu grabbed Grim and spoke firmly to him,"This could be your chance to enroll like Y/n suggested to Crowley! All we need to do is impress him."

"Hrmph. All right, but this is the only time. And I better be up to my jowls in tuna afterwards!" Blurted out the floating weasel.

"Now, then! Let us see you expel ME as a ghost.Go on! Don't be shy about striking me. I'm much too kind to be riled over that."

"Okay, but you asked for it! There better be some tuna waitin' for me after this!"

"Now, let us commence!"

"Okay, human! You tell me if he so much as blinks, got it?"

"Yep. Got it." Yuu replied as he gave Grim two thumbs up.


"My, does that ever smart! You've impressed me." The crow-like headmage said as he turned back to human.


Twisted Wonderland Secrets

- Y/n appreciated Crowley bringing them dinner.

- Crowley was completely ready to throw Grim out had Y/n not intervened.

- Crowley was impressed by how Y/n befriended the ghosts.

- Y/n did get slightly annoyed by the forgetful mind of Crowley.

- Crowley mistook Y/n offering them to eat with them as an invite to attending future meals.

- Grim grew more respect for Y/n when he offered that Grim stay at NRC.

- Although Y/n isn't fond of Grim he still sees potential in the monster.

- Yuu and Grim's respect for Y/n grew 10 fold when they had to deal with Crowley alone.


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