Chapter 1-4: 🥀Student Multiplication🥀

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"Red... Red... BAM! Wh-whoa! It turned blue?!" Panicked Deuce.

"Change, o foul color! Change! AHA!" chanted a confident Grim. His confidence was soon shattered, "BWAH! The rose caught on fire!"

With a sigh, you plucked the rose and stepped on the burning pedals, effectively putting out the flames. Then you returned back to helping Yuu paint the roses. You had already finished your roses with the helping "hand" of your geo hands.

Cater sweat dropped as he watched the blueberry and loud creature use their magic. "Wow. You're even less competent than I thought."

"Yo, maybe you should just leave the roses white! They look perfectly pretty 'n stuff to me." Complained Ace.

"It's a matter of tradition." Chuckled Cater with a wink while pointing to the group, "You can't have an unbirthday party without the roses being red. And you can't play croquet without seven-colored flamingos as mallets and a hedgehog for a ball." he explained. Then continued, "Oh, but of course, the roses need to be white when the garden flowers put on their spring concert. That's absolutely crucial." It was as if what he had just explained was the most obvious thing in the whole world.

Grim was...not impressed. Crossing his arms, "All your rules are completely insane!" He hissed.

Your lowered your head to the magicless student next to you and whispered, "Friend Yuu. What are flamingos and Hedgehogs?"

"Flamingos are large birds that are usually pink because they eat shrimp. Hedgehogs are little creatures with spiked backs. They are basically harmless unless you sit on one by accident." Explained the magicless boy.

You nodded in thanks and patted his head before returning his attention to Grim and Cater's discussion.

"They say the Queen of Hearts made up these rules herself - she was one of the Great Seven, you know. And Riddle is all about tradition. Probably more than previous housewardens, T-B-H." The carrot top sighed exhaustingly while rubbing the back of his neck, "I'll admit that he's well...a bit extra."

"Yeah, no kidding. I sure don't have time for this nonsense. Is Riddle here? I gotta talk to him." Ace commented.

Cater smiled deviously, "Yeah, probably. But are you sure that's wise? Did you even bring an apology tart to replace the one you ate?"

Ace scratched the back of his neck, beginning to get a little stressed, "Uh, no...? I came here first thing in the morning!"

"Ah ah ah... That could be a problem. Have you forgotten rule 53? "Stolen items must be replaced." If you're not in compliance, I can't let you in."

Ace gasped at the bombshell that was just dropped on him. "Are you serious?!"

"Don't argue Ace. That rule is a rather fair one." You stated while placing a hand on the stressed ginger's shoulder to calm him down.

"All dorm residents must obey the rules. If I let you slide, it would be off with my head next! I hate to say it, Ace, but I'm gonna need you to leave before riddle spots you. Thanx." Slyly smiled Cater with a shallow wave.

Jumping backwards slightly, Ace leaned his back against you, as if trying to find some sort of comfort, "I...think this guy is for real. You guys, do something!" He shouted.

Your hand lightly squeezed his shoulder while the other ruffled the top of his head. Although he was loud and complained a lot, he was still a boy to you. Even if he was legally an adult(18 since all the freshman were aged up for this) everyone needs comfort and support.

Ace seemed to relax a little as you continued to ruffle his hair, even while Deuce was questioning him, "Why should WE do anything?"

"C'mon, please! I can't use magic!"

"Do make sure you bring that tart next time, m'kay? Buh-bye now!" Was the last thing you all heard before being thrown out of the maze-like garden.

The others now seemed less stressed and more grumpy than anything else. "Was that guy for real?! So lemme get this straight: we walked in there, totally tartless, but this dude still made us do that whole song and dance before throwing us out? He just wanted to make us paint his stupid roses!" Accused a now pissed off Ace.

"We sure looked like a bunch of chumps." Grim commented with half-lidded eyes.

"Indeed you did." You bluntly stated before chuckling. Yuu joined in on your small laughing session.

"I guess we'll just have to get an apology tart and come back. Maybe after class, we can- Oh no!" Yelped Deuce.

Yuu tilted his head curiously, "What's wrong?"

"We already missed the first bell! We're gonna be late for class!"

This made Grim scream in surprise, "Myah! I don't wanna get a blemish on the first day of my glorious Night Raven education! Shake a leg, chumps! The the classroom, pronto!"

"Hey, so what class are you guys in, anyway? You're freshman too, right? Except for Y/n." Ace asked in a surprisingly nice tone.

"The headmage said we're in Class 1-A!" Grim explained hurriedly.

Deuce smiled at Grim's words, "Hey, that's the same one I'm in. We got Potionology for first period."

Grim loudly celebrated, "Oh ho, yeah! That sounds awesome!"

"M-maybe I don't need magic for that?" Ace nervously mumbled to himself.

"Potions, I believe, rely more on the ingredients you use. Even if a potion were to call for magic, you could most likely ask another student for help." You suggested with a supportive smile. This seemed to put Ace at ease. "Now run along to your class. I must attend my own as well. I will accompany you all at lunch." And with that you walked through the dorm mirror and headed straight for the field. Not knowing the kind of students you would encounter.

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