🦆Punishment Ducking🦆

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Ace walked lazily into the hall of Mirrors ready to shrug off his duties. "Yeah right, like I'm gonna wash a hundred windows. I'm just gonna go back and-"

"AHA! GOTCHA PUNK!" Grim practically screamed at the red eyed ginger.

Said boy stood in place out of shot by the screech. "Oh no! They saw me!" Ace took a run for it.

"Stop right there, pal! No fair gettin' a head start! Wait!" Yelled a frustrated Grim as he chased Ace down the hall.

"Who in their right mind would ever wait?! Seeya!" Replied Ace as he sped his running speed up.

"Halt! Skipping the punishment assigned to you brings chaos!" Y/n announced as while also chasing the student down. You were much faster than Grim and almost had the red head in your grasp.

Grim, although slower, was still right behind you, "No way are you gettin' out of this! You think I WANNA wash windows?"

'Something tells me that Grim is planning something... I better watch him closely.' You mentally noted.

Up ahead, a student peacefully making his way down the hall heard the commotion. He had dark blue hair that faded into a lighter shade and a spade mark under his right eye. "...Hm?"

The loud teen ran past the stranger, almost shoving him onto the ground. "Outta my way!"

"Hey! What gives?!" The bluenette loudly questioned.

You stopped chasing the ginger and instead chose to check on the boy, so you slowed down until you were walking at a normal pace.

"Please, stop him! He's shirking his cleaning responsibilities!" Yuu shouted from farther down the corridor.

The new boy then became panicked and frantically grabbed his pen, "What? That's not right! You want me to cast a spell to stop him? Like, freeze his legs? Or bind them with rope? Or maybe I could... Hmm.. No..."

"I don't care how! Just do something! Anything!" The angry fire weasel yelled out.

The boy was stunned for a second, "Anything?! Anything, huh..."

As you watched the boy, you found his reactions slightly amusing. 'He doesn't do well under pressure I assume.'

"All right! Here goes anything! I summon thee... something heavy!" He loudly voiced his spell, which in turn resulted in a large black cauldron falling on top of a fleeing Ace, nearly knocking him out.

"Bwaaah?! Wha?! A pot?!" Ace struggled to say under the weight of the object.

"Ah ha ha ha ha! Look, Yuu and Y/n, look! That Ace guy got crushed beneath a giant cauldron! It squished him flat! Aha ha ha! That's what you get!" Laughed and gloated a smug Grim.

You turned your back to the seen covering your mouth, a muffled laugh could be heard from your turned figure. Yuu began to laugh as well. But, you soon calmed down remembering that you now have two students to check up on.

"A cauldron?! I wasn't expecting that. I may have overdone it this time..." The helpful student said to himself in a slight mumble, not noticing your presence behind him.

"You did very well. We asked to have him restrained and you followed through on our request. I was very impressed by your quick thinking." You praised him as you gently patted his head then ruffling it slightly.

Turning his head, the bluenette finally saw your elegant features up close. His cheeks turned slightly red from both the praise and your face being so close to his. "O-oh.. Th-Thank you."

Suddenly you grabbed his face and arm, leaning in closer as you examined him for injuries. "Ace didn't inflict any wounds when he shoved you did he?" You asked with concern lacing your soothing voice.

Twisted Wonderland X Zhongli!Reader (Version I)Where stories live. Discover now