17. Final Audition

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I sat near the lake watching the reflection of the moon, it was a bright white disc against an indigo sky. The cool water lapped against the shore and the sound echoed around me as I listened to the waves and watched them dance in the moonlight. It was peaceful, relaxing even.

There wasn't much noise other than the crickets singing in the dark. My feet were propped up on the dock, the warm water splashing softly between my toes. Tanya seem to be enjoying the view as much as I was, she leaned back on her arms staring into the dark blue expanse. Her hair floated like a cloud behind her. Her face lit from within by the glow of the moon.

"I can't believe my dad still hates me that much," she says quietly after a while. "I always thought he'd change." She trailed off and I could tell by the slump of her shoulders she was thinking of doing something stupid. She shifted slightly trying to make herself more comfortable in the grass.

"All you can do now to save your life is stay away from CMC and your brother, I'll find a way to help you."

"I don't know what else to do, Tess. Nowhere to go. The apartment I stayed in after I left my foster parent's house is due for payment and I can't get a good job, without the bosses wanting to take advantage of me."

I felt bad for her but I didn't know what to do to help her, her family is vicious and I promise not to get myself involved in such a drastic situation.

I took her hand. "Tanya, since I came to France you've been one of the reasons why I felt like I was at the right place and at the right moment. I know you have the urge to reunite with your family, but you have to be patient."

"I know Tess, but how long. I've waited for three years now, just to see my brother."

"What about your mom? what if I talk to her? she might also help."

She let go of my hand. "I don't want to talk to her, I don't have a mother. A woman who allowed me to be taken away from her and didn't bother looking for me is not worth being called a mother."

"I'm sure, you're mom cares a lot about you and I'm sure she's dying to see you," I say reassuringly.

Tanya stared at the moon again. "Maybe," she admitted reluctantly before standing up. "It's getting late, I think we should head home."

"Sure," I say as we walked to the nearest street.


I opened the door of my room and saw someone sitting on the bed, a woman figure. I turn on the light and saw Mrs. Alan sitting on my bed, tears streaming down her face.

"Mrs. Alan, what are you doing here?" I say with a frown, remembering how she almost got me expelled from the competition. She looks up at me, eyes red-rimmed.

"Tess, I heard you saw my daughter and you know where is. My little Bella," She says reaching out a hand for me. "I apologize for everything, I know you must be angry at me for what I did that day at the audition. You've been my daughter's best friend and I didn't know." She wipes her tears.

"The day she was taken away by some kidnappers, I felt so bad. I knew most people were against her, but her father loved her so much. He didn't eat for days. I just wanted to get her back, to see her one last time."

I felt pity for her, if only she knew her husband was the one that took her daughter away from her. I sit beside her and wrap my arm around her body. "I'm sorry Mrs. Alan, that you didn't know the truth about Tanya's sudden disappearance when she was five." I try to console her.

"Where is she? Where is Tanya?"

"I don't know where she stays," I lied. I didn't want to give the location of her house to Mrs. Alan, I didn't know if she was trying to get it for her husband. I'm not stupid. "But I promise after the audition tomorrow, I'll fix a location for you two to meet."

"Thank you," she says weakly hugging me tightly. I pat her gently on the back until the embrace finally ended. She stood up and went towards the door, but stopped and turned back. "You don't think I am guilty do you?" She asks hesitantly.

"Of course not." What an odd question.

The audition already started and I was in the dressing room, getting ready for my turn to perform. I put on a pair of tight black jeans, a gray turtleneck sweater, and brown high heels. Miss Doritos was helping me with my makeup when I saw Tanya walk in through the mirror reflection.

I stood up and ran to her inspecting my surrounding to ensure no one was there. "Tanya, what are you doing here? I told you not to come here, didn't I?"

"I know Tessa, but I want to see my brother!" Tears roll down her eyes. "I heard he was in the dressing room, I didn't know which one."

"My God, Tanya. you're going to get yourself killed. Simple instruction."

"I'm sorry, Tessa. But I'm sure nobody saw me walk in here."

"Are you sure, girl? some men are on their way here," Mrs. Duritos says.

Before I could figure out a way to hide Tanya, some men barge into the room and grabbed Tanya by the arm. They dragged her out.

"What are you doing? Why are you taking her away?"

"Stay out of this, Miss Wayne or you'll get killed." One of the men threatens me.

"Please help me, Tessa, I don't want to die," Tanya cries out and immediately I heard the MC calls for me to perform.

I became confused, should I give up my chance to perform and save Tanya? what if I get killed as the man already promised? No, I can't give up my dreams for her.

"Tessa, what are you doing? it's your turn to perform. hurry up to the stage," Aunt Isabel says.

"No, aunty. I have to save her!" I took off my shoes and ran down the hallway towards the men before I'll lose sight of them. "Call the cops!"

"Save who?"

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