16. Truth Hurts

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"Miss Wayne, what did you do?" Holly asks anxiously, without waiting for my reply she grabbed my hand. "We need to leave here now!"

"What's happening, why are you rushing me so early in the morning." I yawn loudly with sleepy eyes.

She ignores my question and grabbed my bag from the mini sofa in the room and dragged me out of the room. "At least let me change my pajamas into something presentable if we're going somewhere in haste."

"You don't have time to get the dress before the flight leaves Spain to France." She sighs. "You can change when we get to the apartment."

"What's the rush for?" I kept asking her these questions till we got to the entrance of the mansion.

Mr. Lucas stood by the car waiting for us, the impression on his face wasn't friendly at all. I was struggling to understand everything but when I heard the voice of Xander shouting, that's when I realize the whole thing.

I felt a sudden cold in my veins.

I didn't struggle with Holly anymore, instead, I wanted to leave as much as she wanted me to. As soon as I got to the car I heard someone scream my name vigorously, I turned and saw Luke walking in my direction in haste.

"Tessa, I told you to stay within your limits!" He shouts. I swear, I saw red in his eyes.

"Mr. Alan, please don't overreact to this, she won't cause any more trouble again," Mr. Lucas says in my defense and I got into the car. "Try and calm your brother and your dad."

As the car move out of the parking lot, I started feeling terrible. I shouldn't have got myself involved in all this from the start, things weren't going well for me because I agreed to assist Tanya to reunite with her family.

"What were you thinking, Tessa?" Holly asks. "You shouldn't get yourself involved in things that are not of your concern."

"I didn't know it will turn out this way," I manage to say.

"You just put Tanya's life in danger by doing this." Mr. Lucas added from the driver's seat. "I knew she was alive and I've kept it secret for years because I knew once Mr. Jackson figures out Tanya is alive he'll want her dead."

"Tanya, his only daughter, and he still haunts for her life. Poor girl," Holly added.

The flight landed in France at noon and I felt extremely tired, emotionally and physically. Finally, I was back at CMC hotel, the place looks the same though, with just a few changes. I can hear the shower running from afar so I took off my clothes, and got under the hot water to relax. It's five days to Christmas and I was already looking forward to winning the audition.

Maybe I went too far this time getting myself involved in Alan's family problem, and forgetting my priorities. I picked up my phone and dial Lori's number, which she answered after one ring. When I heard her voice I felt relieved.

"Lori, thank God. I need some comfort right now," I say between my breaths.

She laughs "What happened to you, Tess?"

"Remember I told you I met Luke Alan's sister, which you didn't believe was alive," I reply.  I couldn't hide the fear in my voice. "I told Xander about it and he went to confront his dad about it."

"Wow, that's good. At least she can reunite with her family."

"Lori, Mr. Jackson. Right from birth wanted Tanya dead and now that he knows she's alive, I feel like he's going to try to kill her."

"Tess, do you think you can stop him?"

"I'm not sure," I sigh. "I just wish Tanya would be more careful and not get herself killed, but she's so obsessed with wanting to see her brother."

"I understand her very much, but you have to tell her about everything before it's too late. Don't worry too much. You've proven yourself to be great when it comes to helping people, even if it isn't much you can do," I hear her reassuring me in the background.

"Thank you, Lori," I whisper into the receiver. "I needed to talk to somebody about it. And it feels weird to admit this, but I kinda love Tanya, the times I've been around her I figure out she is a nice person..."

"No worries. I can tell you're scared, but you should keep your head high. She's your friend and you're hers. Do whatever it takes to keep her safe."

"Thanks, Lori. You're the best friend I've ever had."

"I think this all CMC competition stuff is getting interesting for you," she sighs into the phone. "I'm caught up here with trading. I can't wait to see you win so we can celebrate with a bottle of champagne when you come back."

"Aww, that's the cutest word ever. Lori. I'll call you later."

I took a deep breath, it was out of relief.

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