1| Ice water

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"Tessa!" Mom shouts from downstairs.

I groan half asleep and roll out of my bed. Reluctantly my uncoordinated steps gets me through the door and heading downstairs. Halfway down, another groan, more pronounced words burst out of me.

"Really mom, you know how important it is for me to go to bed early so I can wake up on time tomorrow morning," I complain when I was close to her.

"Tessa, Luke Alan is about to give his speech about the concert!" Mom says ignoring my complaint with her eyes glued to the TV screen, I'm practically invisible.

I sigh deeply.

Luke Alan is a KPop star and my mom is one of his biggest fans.  She loves everything about him and worst of all she wants me to follow in his footsteps, I only pretend to accept it partially because I didn't want to hurt her feelings. But honestly, I'm getting sick of everything that has to do with him, especially his name.

What could be greater than being me? Selflove.

"Listen, Tessa and learn from him, he is such a great star." mom kept praising him, and soon I felt like throwing up. She turns in my direction, suddenly noticing my disgusted look. "Is everything alright, sweetie?"

"Seriously mom, you disrupt my sleep. Just to see this," I complain as I waved my hands toward the TV screen in much more disgust and turn to leave, but got caught by the voice of Luke Alan coming from the TV. Annie, of course. Mind reader, especially when it comes to Luke Alan increased the volume staring at the screen with an impish smile.

"I'm so delighted to inform you all about this year's Christmas music concert coming up. Just as I've won tons of awards like this since I started my music career. I just want to let you all know that this year's CMC award won't be any different because. I'm definitely going to win."

"Of course, darling that award is yours!" Mom shouts.

"Mom. You're wishing him the award already? remember I'm your daughter." I reminded her of my existence. "I'm also going to partake in that concert and I don't want to lose," I say sounding jealous as she turned to me. Surprised.

"Ooh, sweetie. Don't worry you're going to win that award, you need the money to complete your college education, but Luke Alan..."

"Okay mom, I will." I ran up the stairs as fast as I can before she could finish. I didn't want to spend the rest of my evening listening to how successful Luke Alan is or how much he inspires people with meager esteem. I wasn't a fan of Luke Alan I don't like him even a bit.

I close the door gently and took in a profound breath, I wasn't feeling sleepy anymore the voice of Luke Alan bragging about winning the award came like cold water to my chest as I lay flat on my bed.

I stood up and sat for a while before I made my way to where I kept my luggage, I have to prepare my things for the trip. I started by packing some neatly folded clothes from my closet into my luggage and after that, I picked some other essential things. By the time I was done packing, it was already midnight. I fall face-first into my bed and let the sleep overwhelm me.   


"Tessa!" Mom's voice came loud from downstairs, knocking me out of sleep. I groan and put my pillows over my head.

"Tessa Wayne. For goodness sake don't tell me you're still asleep by this time, you're almost late!" Her voice woke me up the second time and my gaze drifted toward the clock opposite my bed.

"Tessa!" She yells again this time her voice sounded like she was about to scold me for life.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I holler as I rushed into the shower. I was feeling extremely nervous, especially when I have the thought of me performing live in front of the judges and the entire congratulations. That's what I wanted, why do I feel like I need to back down, hide underneath my bed, where no one can see me?

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