13| Is it real

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 "What's going on here," A bold but tiny voice asked and the group of drooling teenagers around me whirled their heads in that direction, just like that they parted ways, allowing a chubby short girl with furious glares in.

"Hey," I say softly smiling at her. "Do you want me to sign yours too?"

She folded her hands around her chest fuming. "No, I'm not a fan of your craziness. So why will I want you to do that!"

I paused for a while and smile trying my possible best not to be offended by her words. "So whose your favorite?"

She hissed and rolled her eyes. "Me, no one else is better than me." Her chubby fingers point towards her chest as though it was the most obvious answer ever.

"Okay, I love your self-confidence. But I got to go now!" I say once I saw Xander walking in my direction.

I stood up and turn to leave but the little witch set a foot on my path, I tripped but stumbled into someone's arms instead of falling onto the floor as I had expected.

I turned around quickly to thank the person who caught me, but stopped mid-sentence when I saw he wasn't a stranger but Xander himself. I smiled and looked down. His hands rested on my shoulders steadying me while I regained my balance. He looked at me with his warm smile that never fails to make my heart skip a beat. I felt heat creep to my cheeks.

I restrain from his hand and turn to face the little brat, but she wasn't there anymore.

"Thanks!" I say to Xander.

"So why are you doing all alone?"

"Nothing, I was just taking a stroll and decided to sign some autographs."

He smiled and put his hands in his pocket. "It seems not all of your fans are pleased with you."

"I guess you can't please everyone." I pretend to smile but deep down. I hate that girl.

By the time we got to the house everywhere was dark, I was given a room in the mansion. Since I had to attend the birthday party the following day.

I lay flat on the bed with my arms under my head and my gaze was up to the ceiling as I think back to all my expectations towards the award. Then the thought of Tanya came into my mind, I need to talk to Luke if there was a way I could help them reunite I would do that.

I stood up and walked toward the window looking out into the distance it looked like the sky is pitch black, and the stars were almost blinding. The city lights can be seen, the streetlights shining down upon this city.

I looked down and saw Luke standing at the side of the building staring into the garden, he seem to be thinking about something. This feels like the right moment to talk to him.

I grabbed my winter coat and walked out the door and down the stairs into the chilly night air. The cold air hit me straight in the face, I closed my eyes and held my breath as I walked closer to him.

"What are you doing here?" He asks with his gaze still on the garden.

Ignoring his question."What's the matter, why are you out here in this cold and you're not wearing your coat? you're going to fall sick."

"What's your business with what I do, stay away from me!" He held his fist in an attempt to fury.

"Whatever it is that's bordering on you, you can share it with me."

He turned to face me now. "Hey, you. What's wrong with you, why are you always trying to get my attention."

"What makes you think I want your attention?" I blurt out angrily. "I only seem to care, because you're out here in the cold and it has started snowing."

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