Chapter 209: Nangong Jun Xi's confrontation

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Afterwards, the King of Hell was holding onto her. He was flushed like the Sun as he murmured in his raspy voice, "You belong to this Prince. From now on, you're only allowed to like this Prince. You may only do this type of stuff with this Prince! Understand?"

Le Yao Yao could only nod in response. After all, what else could she do?

By the time she was done plucking the radish, she was tired and felt like a frosted eggplant. On the contrary, Leng Jun Yu seemed to be rejuvenated. He energetically headed to the Imperial Court.

Le Yao Yao was gritting her teeth in annoyance. But, she carried on her day as usual. After she finished her lunch, she went to tidy Ya Feng Ge.

Unexpectedly, the moment she picked up her broomstick to sweep the fallen leaves, a figure in blue rushed straight towards her.

Before she could clearly identity the person, Le Yao Yao felt someone grabbing her shoulders; shouting, "Are you a man or woman?!"


Hearing this, Le Yao Yao felt as if her sky was about to crumble. She looked up and made eye contact with Nangong Jun Xi's anxious pupils.

Oh God! Why would he ask her that?! Could he have discovered something?

*Pa* Le Yao Yao's broomstick fell onto the ground.

Currently, standing across from her, Nangong Jun Xi had a very complicated expression on his face.

He was stunned, anxious, nervous, but even more so, excited and hopeful.

Because earlier, he was flipping books in his senior brother's Study. He was trying to kill time since he didn't want to return back to his country. Nangong Jun Xi wanted to loiter here for the next little while.

But who would've thought that while he was in hiding these past two months, Slug would go missing?!

It was great because he didn't have to marry her. Yet, his mother wouldn't give up. She even sent him a scroll portrait so that he could help with the search.

They haven't seen each other in years. Slug must be extremely ugly by now.

After all, Nangong Jun Xi recalled seeing her father when he was little.

He had a tiger back and bear waist. In addition, he had a square face and a bulging forehead. When he spoke, it sounded like clapping lightning. He also had a bushy beard. Whenever Nangong Jun Xi saw him, he would instantly connect him with an image of a black bear.

What else could black bears give birth to? It must be a female black bear.

Hence, Nangong Jun Xi was adamant that Slug was incredibly hideous.

He was afraid to look at the portrait because he didn't want to have nightmares!

However, suddenly, his peach blossom eyes caught a familiar looking scroll at the corner. Nangong Jun Xi was too curious.

Wasn't this the portrait of Slug? Why was it in senior brother's Study?

Nangong Jun Xi was curious to see whether Slug was as ugly as his imagination. So, he slowly unrolled the scroll.

But the moment Nangong Jun Xi saw the image, he felt as if he had been shocked by lightning.

Slug looked exactly like Xiao Zhu Zi?!?!

Nangong Jun Xi couldn't wait another second as he stormed in Ya Feng Ge. He needed confirmation that instant!

"Are you a man or woman?!"

Currently, Nangong Jun Xi's heart felt like it was about to pop out of his body. He didn't even dare to breathe a bit louder.

Ultimately, he was afraid that everything was just his imagination.

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