Chapter 229: The best outcome

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That night, a subordinate returned with a letter. After Leng Jun Yu read it, he seemed to be at ease.

Seeing this, Le Yao Yao was curious. "Yu, what's written on the letter? You look so relieved."

"It's Jun Xi. He said he has found Ya'er but she's being grumpy right now. So after he is done coaxing her, they will return."

Hearing this, Le Yao Yao felt comforted. "I'm glad he found her! I was so concerned!"

"This Prince knew Ya'er would be fine."

"How were you so certain?"

"Because Ya'er likes Jun Xi from the start. This is actually the best outcome."

True. She was Nangong Jun Xi's fiancée and Nangong Jun Xi liked her. It would be perfectly legitimate for him to marry her. However, the feelings weren't mutual. If Nangong Jun Xi were to force her to marry him, his friendship with Leng Jun Yu would break.

But now that Ya'er had appeared and they accidentally slept together, Le Yao Yao knew Nangong Jun Xi would take responsibility for his actions. He will definitely give Ya'er a status to preserve her reputation. As for herself, she could happily remain with Leng Jun Yu.

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao felt like she was the luckiest woman on Earth.

"Come. Drink some swallow's nest soup. You're too thin." Leng Jun Yu personally handed the bowl to Le Yao Yao.

In response, Le Yao Yao smiled delightfully and quickly gulped down the swallow's nest soup.

Now, it's no longer only for her. She also has a baby to feed!


The next day, Le Yao Yao woke up in Leng Jun Yu's arms like the previous day. She was starting to enjoy this.

It was great waking up in her lover's arms. She liked how the first thing she saw was him. She loved smelling his familiar scent and listening to his low raspy voice.

Le Yao Yao felt like everything seemed too good to be true. She was afraid that everything will suddenly disappear.

For some reason, lately she had been feeling unstable. She felt like something bad was about to happen. Le Yao Yao hoped she was only overthinking.

While Le Yao Yao was deep in thought, Leng Jun Yu's sexy hoarse voice entered her ears.

"You're awake?"

"Mm. Good morning, Yu."

Since Le Yao Yao had just gotten up, her voice sounded a bit husky as well. In addition, there was a lazy tone to it. It made her appear even more enticing.

Le Yao Yao's eyes flickered and he couldn't help but kiss her red lips. They had an intense steamy kiss and did not part until they were both out of breath.

Unexpectedly, Leng Jun Yu asked, "What were you thinking about?"

"Huh?" Leng Jun Yu noticed her anxiety?

Le Yao Yao bit her lips but didn't respond.

Seeing this, Leng Jun Yu furrowed his brows and pressed again. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just worried because I feel like everything is too perfect right now. It feels like dream. I'm worried I'll lose everything once I wake up." Le Yao Yao admitted truthfully.

"You're so silly!"

Leng Jun Yu thought Le Yao Yao was overthinking. But knowing that she truly liked him warmed his heart. Then, the two of them started the morning with some intimate deeds. After doing it several times, the two of them were hungry and left the room for some breakfast.

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