chapter 76 the first plane crash

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ok so this is lufthansa flight 4554 leaving malaysian airspace my 59th flight hope goes good air trafffic conrtroller malaysia: ok thanks for flying in our airspace and hmm be careful indonesiean volcana is exploding now it the garuda explosion  in the last island germany:thanks wait what that in front of us why is there blue light it feels like we are doing that star wars thing this blue light we are near garuda explosion ok alrams:waring warning engine number one ded engine number three ded  germany:what co pilot get in action germany2: ok sir germany: the water pods are telling that there is no water to the fire then lets do the potato manuver germany2:its dangerous but we might can do it germany: ladies and gentlemen put your seat belts because your gonna vomit here canada: so what hapened there france in the plane crash france:so the plane first started to roll upside down also i had probelm of dizzeiness so i was feeling to vomit my child which was sitting next to me his screams made it even harder.BACK IN THE PLANE  germany: ok pull the yoke FRANCE: then they went for a dive germany: yea we did that and the potato manuver was so hurt full i disagreed to the warnings and did it then we are going down BACK IN THE PLANE germany: ok pull up hard ok we are back upside good france: i then realised what a a dumb pilot he was! germany:im sorry blushes* BACK IN THE PLANE france: stop crying its our death we have no way other then die germany: ok talk to the tower the blue thing is still in our face ok fire is gone now restart engine number one germany2:ok captain germany:meanwhile i will do the third engine ok germany2:captain engine number 1 is ded i just wanna see my family and tell a good bye germany:all engine ded im dieing quick huh ok i will do it the water landing co pilot put flaps 5 germany2:ok germany:hmmm this is capt.deutscland hmm we are gonna landin water so do brace postion and listen the instructions of the aerostreses woah spelling ok bye by*^*  and put your seat bealts germany: ok let do this off all engines? germany2:checked its right germany: i did all other stuff so we can land gpws callouts:100 50 40       30                                    20 10     touchdown germany: ok we are done laughs hard* germany2:laughs hard* passengers:laughs hard france:so thats it it was joy after that germany:then rescue boats came with my friend turkey with is battleship coast guard then i laughed harder then ever i was happy and all canada: thats today's interview and bye sponsored by fanta

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