chapter 32 do they

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woah im damged how do i have life there is some blood in the cockpit i can fly maybe yes i could my pilot died without him im scared im abonded i laneded in a forest wait is that a house lets me make nosie so that they can hear me wait why do i feel that i have a crush on someone do i oh there thats my pilot wife hey.yea what ya want and why you here a spainish plane which is used by a german guy its a gift so whats happening here no im just too as my pilot is gone wanna help me get to spain?.nah.because spain is somewhere else.oh the way oh i feeling somekind of dizzy plane.i remember of my old crush but will i what.RED BARON COEM BACK.


death im dead i have no way to come back still i have wings maybe lemme try woah incaldos spainish.i gotta see wait why  macarthur told to nuke the soviet union its because he don't care. im able to enter the earth hey poland holland or what eveer look im back .i guess your back germany i missed you.don't take that easy poland because i gotta plan we have to do it im in visble just a soul im only visble to you if i want i can show it to others and why my plane here maybe i will take it flight.but niemcy you can touch stuff.yes polska.hey check.yea see germany is back. but where is he i can't see him.germany became visible.ok.ok i see you leave me alone.bye.bye.bye.we are here germany we are back again.yes polska.germany are you still in air force nope i have to resign.ok.


sir here's my information see im real but just a soul.but how do a soul do fly a dosn't matter.ok fine.also since im a commader you have to give me jasta 11 back.ok.and i can requst my personal airplane because im in rittmister rank too.ok yay back to air saviours.

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