chapter 34 locality invades the main city

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i went to my home back also poland took a house and she don't want me to go there it real sus wait whats that sound.kazhkstan ubboubrouka kazhkstan ubboubrouka kazhkstan ubboubrouka kazhkstan                        ubboubrouka. as i hear this bombs explode gun fire happnens i have to to go to poland's house i went the door was not locked i went inside poland was not there i went out side and went to my air base and told boys we are the aces we need to save thousand take your bird for a circus of horror.yes sir.i flew my bird as it  should be acttulay i had a pilot which can hack so he hacked the locality's plane and the localit went away we chased them but we have less fuel so we came back but we saved but the city get ruins so we shifted to the new city next to shore international airport but poland is not anywhere i found her in my base she is disapointed on me she told i really hate you why didn't you cared me or tell me that your gonna fly again.she was angry she ran away befor i could say she teased by someone because why me always in a thing this getting tense is she hiding something.what and why tho is this how it eh this gonna be it eh my life is gonna sink eh


thanks to my reader bye.

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