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Sitting with now seven month old Matthew on the floor, I was watching him crawl around. He was doing so well.

Steve still wasn't back, though he sent letters.

I smiled as I read the newest one while watching matty.

My dearest Junie,

I miss you. So much. I'm getting on a ship tonight, so when you're reading this I'll be a week into my trip. I'll be home in two days then.

I miss you and baby Matthew so dearly. Your voice echos through my brain. I can't wait to see you again, and tell you everything.

Everyday I think about you. Your smile. Your laugh. Your body. Your lips. Your talks. Your energy.

I love you.


I smiled and set the letter down as baby Matthew came over. I picked him up and held him close. He cooed.

He was a little fluffy baby. Cute chubby face and thighs. I could just smush him all day.

"You're just too cute yes you are." I whispered as he giggled. I rubbed my nose into his neck.

"Let's go visit grandma Prince."

I got up, taking Matthew with me. I walked over to find Sarah. She immediately smiled when she saw the two of us.

"Hello." She said. She kissed Matthews head.

I smiled. "Steve sent me a letter. He will be back in the next two days."

She nodded. "Finally. The boy has been gone for four months and left you to take care of a newborn by yourself."

I smiled. "He's a good boy though. He's crawling. Say isn't that right grandmother I'm crawling and I'm getting so big." I said as I tickled Matthew's belly. He giggled.

Sarah chuckled. "That is the sweetest thing."

I nodded. She smiled.

"Steve is going to be quite proud of his son when he comes back."

"That he is." I whispered. 


With nighttime approaching, I put Matthew down to sleep. I shut his door and saw a maid outside.

"Anything you need tonight my queen?"

"No thank you. But if he wakes, I will be bathing" I said, smiling. She nodded.

I wanted to look nice when Steve came back. I was going to even curl my hair later.

I went to the washroom and cleaned up, using my expensive soaps compared to my normal ones. I even carefully shaved everywhere. I always did these things myself. Usually a maid would, but I would never let one do it.

I liked my freedom.

I put on a nightgown and dried my hair, and then got into bed, grabbing a book.

I was so excited to see my husband.


I woke up to a quiet room, and Steve in bed.

Oh my god. Steven.

I sat up and turned him over, pulling him in. He groaned and lazily hugged me.

I laid down, keeping him on top of me. "Why didn't you tell me you were back?" I whispered. He relaxed and hugged me closer.

"You looked too peaceful." He said. "How are you?"

"I'm alright." I whispered. It was early morning.

He sat up and kissed me, hard. I moaned and held him close.

He pulled away and laid down again, still on top of me. I smiled and kissed his head.

Matthew would be up any second now.

"Steven you have to see your son." I said.

He chuckled. "Oh I missed the little man."

I heard his cry. Matty's little cry.

I sat up. Steve stirred as I walked into the nursery, grabbing Matthew. He cooed as he saw me.

I walked back into our bedroom. Steve smiled and sat up. He looked so tired.

I brought Matthew over. Steve gasped.

"He's so big." He said as he held him. I smiled.

"He's a chunky one."

I smiled and leaned into Steve. I missed his touch, his love.

He held me close while watching Matthew. I sat up and kissed his cheek.

He smiled and pecked my lips.

"You're so big." He said to Matthew, burying his face in his belly, making him laugh.

I giggled as I heard those adorable baby laughs. I was so happy to have Steve back.

"I missed you." I whispered.

He nodded. "I missed you too char."

I hummed and let him lean into me.

I was so happy to have my family together again.

I didn't like doing this on my own. I wished Steve would stay more. But it was his job.

He was the king. And whatever he would do, I would follow and support. That's my duty as queen.

The Throne: A Prince Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now