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3 Months Later...

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear E.J. Happy birthday to you," we sing as Annie walks out onto the old patio with a small birthday cake, candles ablaze on top of it.

"It's time to make a wish dear," Annie says, placing the cake down in front of him.

It's weird how little E.J. liked Annie when we met her and rented a room from her a few months back. And now, here we are, the two of them thicker than thieves.

I watch as E.J. closes his eyes tightly, makes his wish, and then opens his eyes to blow out the candles. We give three cheers while Annie runs back inside, having forgotten a knife to cut the cake with.

"It's a pity Will couldn't be here," Chris mentions from the other side of the table.

"Yeah, but I get it," I answer. "It's gonna take some time before he's okay again. He did send that package over there."

I point to the end of the table where a stack of birthday presents are standing.

"I see Grace also sent something," Chris answers. "Wonder why she couldn't come."

"Oh, she phoned me earlier to say happy birthday. Apparently there's a little bit of drama at home. Jessica-Lynne is officially pregnant with twins. Looks like Stuart might never get rid of that bitch now," E.J. pipes up. He is smiling from ear to ear.

Over the last few months we have been coming up to Connecticut every other weekend, and we have even talked about me moving here. Annie has even offered E.J. a job, coming to help her out with the guesthouse.

Annie returns with the knife.

"Let's cut this thing," Annie says. "I'll go back on my diet on Monday, but tonight we celebrate."

"I didn't see too many people booking in," I mention to Annie. "Is it always this quiet this time of year?"

"Oh gosh yes my dear. You know how it can be out of season. But I spoke to Cherryl today as well, the business in the restaurant is dreadful. Luckily the locals still come and support her. But it's all right I told her. Just you wait. Holiday season is right around the corner and then we will be running around like crazy," Annie answers as she slices pieces of cake which are way to big, and hands them to each of us in turn. "Rather tell me, how far are you from finishing the renovations on your grandmothers old house? I can only imagine the things you needed to trow out. She really was a dreadful woman. Everyone around here said so."

"Actually she had pretty good taste," I laugh. "But I had to get rid of the wallpaper. Found some mould underneath that needed to be treated. We are putting on the last layers of paint tomorrow. And then I just need to decide what to do with all the taxidermied animals she had around the house. I kinda feel bad just throwing them away, but they are way to creepy to stay," I answer with a laugh. "Maybe I could bring them here and you can place them in the rooms? Might be reason for some more paranormal activity hunters to come and visit the guesthouse."

"Oh goodness no dear," she answers laughing. "Can you imagine me trying to keep the dust off the coats of dead animals? I have more than enough to do already."

The sun sets completely as we laugh, eating cake and drinking sparkling grape juice, a fire crackling in the background, promising the idea of roasted marshmallows and smores a bit later.

When Chris finally retires to his room, and Albert has vacuumed up all available cake crumbs that fell to the floor, and Annie had gone to tend to a resident who needed fresh towels, I take E.J. by the hand and go and sit next to the fire.

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