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Claire POV

The feeling I have when they touch me is unexplainable. I thought the affection was over after Maxon but I was wrong.
After Maxon was done Aspin quickly pulled me over to him and smashed his lips into mine. Just like Maxon, there's sparks. But Maxons are hot firey sparks when Aspins are cooling.

His lips move against mine fiercely. Sadly before it could go any farther he pulled away.

"Please Claire. Come back with us. Live with us. Let us love you like you deserve.". He whispers.

I just look at them. I want to but I don't want it to be like before.

"If I go will you just forget the past and we can start over?" I ask.

"Of course" they both say.

I take a deep breath and nod. They smile and engulf me with a hug.


I go and pack my stuff that I had and go to write a note and put it in Ella's room telling her that I'm going back with them and she can stay here.

I go to put it in her room when I see Ian.

He looks at me and just brings his finger to his lips as telling me to be quiet. I just nod and set the note down.

I grab my stuff and head to the limo with Maxon and Aspin right behind me.

"So am I going back to work or??" I ask.

They just laugh.

"What's so funny?" I ask folding my arms in.

"Do you really think youre going to work for us. Claire Bear we are your let just say Ex Bosses. You no longer work for us. You will never work for us again. You are now our lover. Ha the only thing you will have to worry about it being able to walk some mornings." Maxon says starring right into my eyes.

My eyes widen at his seriousness. He then smiles.

"Don't worry Claire everything will be okay. We will work everything out. We know that you arent very comfortable with us sharing but you will soon." Aspin speaks up. I nod.

I soon realize that we've pulled up. I get out and walk inside.

"Sooo what do you want to do?"

"Well I have a lot of things in mind?" Maxon says quietly.

"Of course you do. Can I pick a room I don't want my old one." I say.

"Well I thought you could sleep with us." Aspin says.

"Uh noo. I'm not going to be that fast. So I'm going to go pick a room." I say and run off.

I hear them cursing but they'll live.

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