Chapter 9

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"Axel you should have seen the shit Berkley was wearing, I might try out for the quidditch team just to see her in that more often," I say as I walk into our dorm.

"Hi Matteo," a feminine voice says from the corner of the room, I whip my head around to see Berkley sitting on my bed. 

"fuck" I say under my breath

"awh are you embarrassed that I found out you love me" she teases.

"I didn't say anything about loving, just a great outside with a shit personality."

"so you think I'm pretty," she says walking towards me

"AXEL get in here, Berkley's annoying me," I say as she runs her hands up my torso and onto my shoulders with a teasing smile.

"it's okay to be scared," she says running her hands back down my chest and stomach before making her way back to the bed. 

"yeah sorry Berkley I can't find the book, maybe I returned it to the library". Axel says walking back into the room.

"all good thanks Axel" Berkley exits the room winking at me before she closes the door. 

What a bitch she was so obviously teasing me. 

"What was that about?" Axel asks

"Nothing," I say back bluntly. "I'm going to get changed and head down to dinner. I put on some black kind of dressy pants and a plain black t-shirt. I head back down to the hall and guess whos there once again.

"Couldn't get enough of me huh?" she says sitting down with her full plate 

"why do you look like you are ready for a fucking business meeting? " Blaise says, he was sitting across the table from Berkley, I didn't know they were friends. I'd never seen them talk before.

"since when were you two friends?" I ask without thinking.

"actually like yesterday was the first time we talked" Blaise answers

"why are you jealous?" Berkley whispers as I walk past. 

"When are you gonna give this up, I don't like you," I say crouching down to her ear.


"Hello, Berkely," Blaise says snapping his finger

"oh shit sorry, what were we talking about," I say

I and Blaise talked a lot while having dinner, Matteo however just sat next to Blaise sulking, he didn't look up once or say one word. He just sat there eating.

"Are you trying out for the quidditch team," I ask Blaise

"yep, I love it," he says back and then boom Matteo's head shoots up.

"I think I'm gonna trial as well" he blurts out

"Really, have you ever played before?" Blaise asks

"no, who cares," he says slightly hostile

"Okay, okay have a crack," Blaise says back.

"did you try for the cheerleading thing," Blaise asks

"yeah I did"

"When do the results come out?" Blaise asks genuinely interested.

"Tomorrow morning, anyway I'm going to go back to my dorm I need a good night's rest today was a big day," I say standing up.

"alright goodnight," Blaise says and Matteo rolls his eyes. I leave the hall and begin walking back to my dorm. 

"hey Berkley" an aggressive voice sounds out

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