=Tropical Island Assassination Trip=

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The breeze on the sea was a different type of feeling. The boat that we were sailing on was rocking back and forth slightly as I leaned myself against the railing. Currently, I was on a boat heading towards the islands of Okinawa, along with the rest of class E.

I noticed a shadow appear besides me before I noticed red hair. Karma. His expression was almost unreadable, as if he was determining what to say.  

He had stayed quiet before I decided to start the conversation myself. "Hey Karma, is everything ok?"

He seemed taken back by my sudden question but he answered either way.  "Yeah, but I figured you need to know; I know about your past."

Now it was my turn to stay silent, I have to admit that I'm a bit relieved that I didn't have to tell him. I do feel a bit bad however, I suppose I could've told him sooner...


"Oh... yeah, right. Sorry that you couldn't hear it from me. Look, even if you had heard it from me, I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to tell you so in a way-"

I got cut off my Karma. "I understand. You don't have to fret telling me anything. You're still my friend either way." He gave off his normal nonchalant attitude.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

We arrive at the Island and began to get settled.

"Welcome to Fukumajima Resort. Have a tropical island juice on the house." A server began passing out drinks. I took notice of this and declined the drink, something about the way the ice was floating didn't set right. 

This resort was the perfect place for the assassination. It's activities provided us with the perfect aerial views of where to set everything up as well as the needed transportation. From gliders to jet-skiis.

We had decided to divide the class up into groups to do each activity, group 1 was tasked with distracting Koro-Sensei. My group consisted of Karma, Nagisa, Kayano and Sugino. We were tasked with scuba diving to lay out the water and set up the ballroom. 

I was helping Karma zip up his suit as he observed the other groups. 

"Group one is doing a good job at diverting Koro-Sensei." Sugino spoke up. 

"Not bad." Karma chimed in. 

Kaede begins to shout as Nagisa and Karma jumps off the dock, "He'll be coming to our group next! Hurry up and get the job done so you can get changed!!"

It may seem like we're playing around to an outsider, but in reality this is very serious work. We have them checking each location carefully so that the assassination can be carried out as planned. This part in any assassination is crucial, especially when the plan has complex detail to it. 

Which brings us to now, the assassination attempt. 

Inside the boat that we had reserved earlier in the week was the target, the reasoning behind this was to trigger his motion sickness first hand. Next up was to bruise his ego enough to get him to shed the protective layer off his skin. Considering he can only use it once a month, we figured it'd be smart to get him to use it for something trivial. Next was to feed him a feast; the only reason being out of respect.

 The next phase of this assassination takes place in the Hotel Annex Ballroom, where Karma and I had managed to gather up not only some good memories of Koro-Sensei's likeness, but a little bit of torture for him as well. While he was watching his little movie, we planned to move the ballroom to where water was the only thing surrounding it. I was stationed with Karma on the water packs, our goal was to completely surround him with water to slow him down. 

I must say, I'm proud of this class and how far they've come together in this assassination classroom. They're skills have been honed to the point where this assassination has a good success rate; with the knowledge we know. The unknown of this target is truly frightening.

I loaded up my gun and made sure I had plenty extra bullets with me. The entire group was quiet, we couldn't give away even the slightest of what the plan was. Even Karma was quiet. 

We saw the light switch turn on and a girlish scream... a few moments go buy and the deafening echo of several gunshots rang out. The walls had fallen, our signal was given. 

"Now!" I yelled out. The blasters from the water packs simultaneously went off and the group flew into the air surrounding the target with water. Along with our home made cage of water, we had a few boats circling around with the Dolphins, creating even more of a barrier.

I cocked the gun back and began shooting. A mixture of adrenaline with the water made me remember the original target goal of me coming here. To kill the target and move on. I locked my eye on the panicked creature and aimed the gun perfectly...

Koro-Sensei exploded in a flash.

Had we accomplished his death? Was this really the last time I'd be a member of E- class... 

A/N: I know there are a few things in this chapter that werent in either the show or manga but i figured oh well...

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