Chapter Twenty =If I catch you leaving this room, you're dead=

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Warning: Blood

It was now nearing 11pm and Karma was at my house... again. I had woken up and I don't know how but he managed to sneak into my house and make himself food.

Besides that, we were on our way to the airplane hanger, Karma only had a back pack with him which was normal and I had my bags with my equipment. I had a sniper, my pistol and a few knives for if I run into hand to hand combat.

What weirded me out was that Karma found this completely normal. I mean, I shouldn't be surprised but I guess I wasn't used to having a friend that was ok with my career. Or people in general.

We loaded up the jet and lifted off. Karma looked half asleep at this point, we had a nearly 3 hour plain ride so I figured I'd let him sleep. His head kept falling onto my shoulders the entire ride but I was fine with it.

The hotel was on the out skirts of Shanghai, There were 2 targets for this mission, one was located a few floors down from where me and Karma would be staying, and the other resided on top of a bar across the street. He was the one I could kill with the sniper.

All in all the mission wasn't difficult. I was honestly more surprised that Karasuma let Karma come with me.

A few hours later we had arrived in Shanghai and checked into the hotel. It was around 3 in the morning but I was wide awake. I needed to revise my plan for the target downstairs. I had a rough feeling about it. The target was apparently top notch in knowing people's true intentions and hand to hand combat. I look over my files again.

Then I look back to the hotel blueprint and security. There was no way in hell I could escape normally with these types of floor plans. Karma had noticed my distraught and brought up an idea.

"Have you thought of going uncharted? You know like sneaking through the cracks of the air vents and blind spots of the cameras. It may sound stupid, but it could work." He states looking over my shoulder.

He was right, that was actually a good way to escape. It really did sound stupid, that's why it's the unexpected. Unexpected can save a life.

"You're right, thanks strawberry~" I tease.

"Any time~"

"I can't ever tease you and get a reaction can I?"

"Not at all." Karma smiles.

=Time Skip= The Mission

I was getting ready for my mission, I would have to lead the target to a blind spot then slip away, most likely in one of the hallways. I was wearing an all black outfit with combat knives hidden around and a few bullets along with a gun.

"Karma, I'm leaving now to complete the first part of my mission. Keep in mind, if I catch you leaving this room, you're dead." I threaten him.

"Noted." He responds not looking up from his game.

I made my way downstairs and into the lobby. I take a look around and try and spot my target. I'm also realizing now just how many of my missions have a theme of being in hotels. Strange. Anyways, I didn't spot my target so I decided to stall. I go over to a vending a machine and get a drink.

"Ahh, what a young beautiful soul I have spotted." A voice says from behind me in Italian.

I turn to see a rather short man, his face was gruff and unpleasant to look at. He stature was round and hunched a bit. Him. He was my target.

"And who are you?" I replied back in Italian.

"I'm the man every women dreams about." He said flirtatiously. Bleh, as if, maybe if the dream was really a nightmare. I had to go along with it in order to complete my mission.

"Is that so?" I gave a fake grin.

"Say, lovely lady, how would you like to take this conversation somewhere more private?" He gave a perverted smile. I about wanted to puke.

"I don't see why not." I responded holding back a gag.

He lead me to a hallway that had construction being done on it, the camera's were probably down. If not I already noticed a few blind spots. He must've too considering that he lead me to an area covered by construction tarps.

"I know who you are and why you're here."

My head snapped towards his. "What ever do you mean?" I ask trying to keep the act up a little longer.

"You want to kill me." He stated the obvious but he wasn't supposed to know that.

"I have no clue what you're talking about. I just came here to have a good time." I had to feign innocence. It would be difficult to just out right kill him.

"If you're going to kill me then kill me. I admit, even I've don't things that deserve my death. Just let me spew a few words of advice to a young assassin suck as yourself."

I remain on guard despite what he was saying. I ready a dagger in my hand as he begins speaking once more.

"You are smart to keep your guard up and you are smart to not let your cover down even when it hints at being exposed but remember, you are just a kid and you have a lot to learn. You take your job seriously, it's not a bad thing but damn, you're just a kid. Don't play into things to the point you forget who you are and who you wanna be. Now you can kill me."

The words "you're just a kid" kept playing over in my mind.

"Thank you for the advice but I'm gonna kill you now." I say as I rip my dagger through his throat. Blood splatter a bit across my cheek as I wiped my blade clean. Part of me felt bad but it was done. I called the ministry to ask them to dispose the body.

I began walking back towards my room through the blank fancy halls. You're still a kid.

I couldn't shake those words. He was right but yet again I was taking the words of someone from the like of him.

I walk back into the room and spot Karma sitting on the couch playing a video game. "Ah, so you didn't leave the room."

"Oh, you're back." His smile turned into one that resembled a teasing smirk. "Anyone ever tell you that you look hot with blood splattered on your face."

I- my face goes blank. Excuse me-

Karma got up and started examining my face. "Wow, never took the princess of assassins to be the flustered type."

"I'm not." I state.




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