Chapter Seven =Midterms=

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Heyyyy sorry for being dormant for the last two weeks ive been stressed out like alottt

The next day we were placed in the main building for midterms. I couldn't say that I was too worried about my scores.

If I was being completely honest, I was more concerned about how the others were doing. I don't think Koro-sensei even taught some of this. Also it doesn't help that the test monitor was tapping his finger and distracting some people.

Then within the next week our test scores were in, and frankly to put it. They didn't live up to Koro-sense is expectations.

At first I was worried about how this would pan out with the octopus but to my surprise, he was just turned around and lightly punching the wall again.

"I'm sorry class, I've failed you and now I cannot face you." Koro-sensei mumbles.

I look to Karma to see what he's gonna do. Karma pulls the knife out of his pocket and throws it directly at the back of Koro-sensei's head.

He grabs both his and my own test and walks toward the front of the room.

"Fine by me teach, it's way easier to attack you with your back turned." His overly cocky voice says.

"Karma that's just depressing!" Koro-sensei shouts as he dodged the knife.

Koro-sensei had stopped in his tracks when Karma placed both of our test on the desk

Karma Akabane:

Science: 99
Japanese: 98
Math: 100
English: 99

Total points: 494/500

Y/n L/n

Science: 99
Japanese: 99
Math: 96
Civics: 98

Total points: 492/500

"See, it doesn't matter to us if they change the questions or not, cuzza you, I've done better then I ever have; so I don't plan on leaving E-class just yet. I enjoy this Assassination class a hell lot more then my old one."

I smirk and decided to follow Karma. "Well then, whatcha gonna do huh? Are you gonna make a run for it like you said.... because we didn't make the top 50?" I taunt.

"I think he's just scared of us actually killing him." Karma says holding the knife next to his face.

The whole class had now joined in with the teasing.

"I AM NOT RUNNING AWAY!!!! IM GONNA GET THEM BACK IN THE FINAL EXAM!" Koro-sensei shouts and turns red.

==Time skip== Kyoto arc

"Hey Y/n have you picked a group yet?" Kaede asked me.

"Oh the groups for Kyoto right?"

"Yea I was figuring that you'd join us if you didn't have a group." The adorable green headed girl says.

"Sure." I say.

She grabs my hand and pulls me over to a group that had Nagisa, Sugino, Kanzaki, herself and then I saw Nagisa asking Karma if he would join.

"Wait a minute, he's not gonna cause trouble is he?" Sugino asked pointing at Karma.

To which Karma waves it off with a light smile before completely changing his demeanor.

"Don't worry, when I'm done there won't be any witnesses at all." His devil smile was showing and he was holding up a picture of 2 poor souls on it.

Nice one Karma......

"Alright so we have our groups now what?" I ask Kanzaki.

"I made an itinerary for the trip so I guess we just have to pack." Kanzaki replies with.

==The next day==

We were on our way to Kyoto, at the bullet train station Miss bitch was is an overly exotic outfit that Karasuma made her change out of.

On the train I was sitting in the aisle seat next to Karma.

"Hey I'm gonna go get something to drink, you guys want anything?" Kanzaki asked sweetly.

"Sure I'll come with you." I say.

"Yea same." Kaede follows.

Is 3 get up and head to the vending machines. On our way there we pass a bunch of sketchy looking high schoolers.

I could feel them staring at my body.

"Oi eyes are up here." I say with my back turned to them. They all tensed up.

When we got to the machines I grabbed a f/d and a strawberry milk carton, then we walked back to our seats.

"Here." I say chucking the milk carton to Karma. "Oh and I'd be careful there are some suspicious high schoolers.

Karma nods his head. "Noted."

"So y/n are your missions confidential or can they be told?" Nagisa had questioned.

" I mean I can't tell about my most recent missions but I guess I don't see the harm in telling about my old ones."

They all nod their heads in compliance and I started telling a missions story. Then soon enough we had arrived in Kyoto.

When we got to the hotel, Kanzaki was looking in her bad for her itinerary but she couldn't find it. I had my suspicions but I just brushed it off.

We all decided to just go walking around to the few most historical Assassination places. Kyoto used to be the center of Japan so that makes it the most popular place for assassinations.

We started walking around on a few backstreets when we heard a voice.

"It's perfect, no one will see us grab them." One of the high schoolers from earlier

"Something tells me you're not here to buy anything." Karma smirks

"Yea yeahhh now ditch the girls and get out of here."

Karma doesn't hesitate to grab the guys face and slam it into a pole. I feel one of the guys attempt to grab my arm but before he could I reacted by taking his wrist and maneuvered myself to where I could bring him down with one kick.

"See, the best places to fight are where there are no witnesses." Karma says

"You got that right." The leader of the group says hitting the back of Karmas head and knocking him out.

"Karma!" I shout.

This had caught me off guard and they had managed to hit me on the back of the head as well. Then before completely blacking out all I heard was:

"Grab the girls but leave the fighter, shes gonna cause way to much trouble."

Then I was out

==Karma POV==

I woke up with a splitting headache and I was on the ground. I look over and see y/n unconscious on the ground next to me. I was pissed.

"They clearly knew what they were doing. The plates were covered on the probably stolen car, then it'll take too long if we go to the police. Besides I wanna handle these guys myself."

I get up and pick up y/n and carry her on my back.
Damn. I wonder how they got her.

Haha haha yeaaa uhhh like 20 days laterrrr. I'm so so so sorry. I have been really busy with a lot of stuff and I haven't had time to type or write for anything and I'm reallly sorry.

==The Black Rose Assassin==Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora