=Final exam time and Island prep=

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Time for the final exam...

Academic performance is everything at Kunugigaoka Junior High. To transform Class E into a class that everyone can be proud of ... that is the dream of the teacher that has a ten million dollar bounty on his perfectly round head. The end of the first semester is the time for the final battle.

Sitting out in the woods, Koro-Sensei zipped around to arch of us with different areas of study on his forehead. The octopus is trying hard to get the class to pass the standard this time after the last exams. I may have gotten high ratings on the last exam, but there's no telling what could happen on this one. One must always be prepared for the unexpected.

After all, there was word received from the main campus that they were making this test at a higher level and trying crazy hard to get us to fail. This school sure is hell bent on their students academic records, I've never seen a school so harsh. It's almost contradictory, a school hell bet on records aiming for their students to fail.

I could tell that Karma wasn't taking this exam seriously at all.

"Karma you have to study at least a bit, it'll bite you in the ass if you don't." I stated while glimpsing through the text book.

"I did good on the last exam didn't I? What's the point if the test is going to be the same?" He spoke.

"Suite yourself, don't say I didn't warn you." I shrug. "All I know is that class E winning the island trip to Okinawa would be the perfect ploy for killing the octopus."

"I think that was a given but like I said, there's no need to worry about me or my grades. I'll do just fine. I promise." Karma shrugs it off once more.

"As a matter of fact, I've already come up with a few ideas if we do win that little island trip." I smirk. "I was thinking we could use the water to our advantage to maybe trap him somewhere off-land."

"I don't know, this sounds like a plan to just see me shirtless." He teased.

"Guess you'll never know." I wink. He froze for a second... I think I caught him off guard.

==Time Skip= The dreaded exam

I was walking down the hall of the schools main building with Okuda next to me and the others following close behind. "You know Okuda, I've never seen you this excited for something before." I spoke up noticing Okuda's demeanor.

"Science is really he only thing I'm good at, now I can finally be of help to the class." She smiles genuinely. "Say Y/n, I don't suppose you would know how to make a poison right?"

"Depends on the poison, but yes I'm sure of how to make my fair share. Any reason why you're asking?"

"I'm considering becoming a chemist when I graduate high school, and I think it would be amazing if I was taught by an actual genius assassin on how to properly mix the chemicals." She explains.

"That sounds really cool, you'd be an amazing chemist and I'm glad to teach you." I smile. "How about before the island trip because I so know were gonna win it."

A sparkle went off in Okuda's eyes as I said that, she excitedly nods her head yes and we walk into our exam room. Ritsu's stand in was already here. Apparently the school or the government won't let her take an intelligence test. Which is fairly reasonable once you think about it.

The clock ticking in the room, the teacher tapping his pencil on the desk, the papers flying in front of us... the exam has begun.

Exams are taken by oneself..but we feel the presence of everyone around us. Those fighting with us... against us...and the ones cheering us on. It's as if...were assassins on a battle field.

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