Chapter Eleven =upgrades=

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i am like so so sorry that i havent updated this in like a month, i ended up falling down a loophole with my ideas and it took me a while to figure out how to get out of it.

When walking home the only words Karma spoke was "Look, I don't want you around him." The look in his eyes meant that he was serious.

Something in my mind clicked and told me that jealousy was a factor but I wasn't gonna point that out.

"Wasn't planning to. He's not the type of person I'd hang out with willingly." I respond with.

He nods his head knowing that I wasn't lying.

We got back to my place and Karma dropped me off. "Lets just hope the psycho machine isn't psycho tomorrow." I sigh.

"We can always just ditch again if it is." Karma shrugs.

==The Next Day==

I got up a little earlier today and decided to go in. Today the machine didn't have restraints, as a matter of fact she had a cover over her screen.

By time 8am rolled around more students had entered the building and the cover fell off. Her screen was now completely full instead of just a small box.

She was also Happy. It was weird.

"Good morning everyone" She had exclaimed.

"Woah, total upgrade." I mutter. Koro- Sensei must have really messed with the software. I'm just wondering if she'll fire off every period still.

Everyone had a look of shock written on their faces. Koro-Sensei walked in the room and heard the chatter about the robot. "Good morning students." He greeted.

"Tell me, how much would you pay for a state of the art AI that could laugh and shoot missiles? 1,000? 2,000?,10,000? Welllll all I have left after paying for those upgrades is... 5 cents."

Good for you? Yeah her software was definitely upgraded. She was all bubbles and sunshine.

"Whatever, don't fall for her. It's just been reprogrammed by that octopus. No matter how cute it looks it's still just a machine. I bet the piece of junk will start firing any time now." Terasaka speaks out of annoyance.

"I-I understand how you feel Terasaka." She stutters before she starts...crying?

"Nice going, you made her cry." Meg scolds

"Wow making a 2D girl cry. Way to go." Kimura says sarcastically.

"SHE ISN'T REAL!" Terasaka shouts.

The class cheered her back up within a matter of minutes and they even came u with a name for her.


"She's fitting in nicely." Nagisa walks over to where me and Karma.

"I wouldn't say that. As much as I hate to admit, Terasaka has a point; she is only a program made by Koro-Sensei." Karma points out.

That part was true. Still though, Ritsu showed potential. Not only with assassination, but with assistance as well.

I ponder in thought until I remember that I had a new mission assignment ready for me. I really would like to stay longer to meet Ritsu but I had to leave in a few hours. I'll just talk to her when I get back.

It was a smaller scale mission. Only one target, an escaped prisoner from California. Wanted for the murders of 23 innocent people.

"Hey brats and Robot settle down, time for class." Bitch-sensei waltzed in.

I once again notified Karma that I had to leave then I told Irina. She let me go early and the rest of the class wished me luck on the mission.

The minute I shut the door, I received a text from Karma.

Red head sadist: Dont die princess~
Me: As if I would ever, Try not to miss me too much strawberry~

I shut my phone off and start to pack for the plane. I didn't need much because the mission would only last a day.

Then I heard from an old ally of mine that when I got back, Lovro would be visiting. It almost made me feel bad for Irina.

Lowkey, sorry that I haven't updated in a month. I've been through some hell but it's fine. Don't expect frequent updates tho.

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