Chapter Thirty One~ Going To Spend The Night

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I hear a knock at the door.

"I'm in the bath," I shout.

Leon: When you're done, can you please come downstairs so we all can talk .
Rose: Yeah, sure, I guess.

Leon leaves. "Just one of the great perks of having an irregular period." I sigh. "You just never know when it's coming. There is no way I can stay in this house with them while on my period." I thought.

Rose: Looks like I've got to stay with Liv after all. I can't call her until I'm sure I've convinced them though.

With that I finish up my bath and get ready to have this conversation.

I open the door and there stood seven vampires outside my bedroom.

Rose: I was actually coming downstairs.


Rose: I guess Hunter didn't bother to show up huh?


Rose: Are you guys going to just stand there or...? *nervous laugh*
Chase: How is your head Rose? Is it bleeding more.
Rose: No. The bleeding stopped it's just bruised now.
Chase: Are you sure?
Rose: Chase I think I would know if my head was still bleeding. What's wrong?
Chase: You uh...we....nothing! Right guys.

They give some unsure nods. My heart starts to beat faster. This really doesn't feel good. I have this gut feeling that something's wrong. I change my thought about inviting them in.

Chase: Can we come in?

I hesitate.

Rose: I don't think-
Leon: We are here to answer some questions of yours.
Rose: Um...ok.

I step to the side as they enter my room.

Rose: Where's Hunter?
Lorenzo: Hunter feels terrible for his actions and has chosen to remain in his solitude.
Rose: I'm not sure I understand.

He says nothing.

Rose: So you guys came in here to "answer my questions" and then dodge the first one I asked.
Lorenzo: I'm not dodging.
Arez: He is being punished for his actions.
Lorenzo: Arez!
Leon: What?!
Dylan: What's Arez talking about?

For a moment there was an awkward silence.

Lorenzo: What else was I supposed to do? He hurt Rose.
Leon: You didn't...
Lorenzo: There had to be consequences!
Deyvan: Screw that. You gave your damn word Lorenzo!
Rose: Of usual I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

As if it were nothing...they talked over what she said.

Dylan: *scoffs* His word? When it comes to Rose you think he cares about that?
Lorenzo: Shut up Dylan.
Leon: "We are we are not to treat each other as foe."  Sound familiar?
Deyvan: You're a man of no morals.
Rose: Can someone please expl-

Lorenzo: Morals? You want to talk about morals?
Archer: So what, were you going to do the same thing to me?

" What kind of punishment is Hunter serving and what did Archer do to make him think that he was destined for the same thing?" I thought.

Lorenzo says nothing in reply to what Archer said.

Dylan: Answer him Lorenzo.

Lorenzo says nothing.

Rose: Guys I-
Archer: Holy shit! You were going to, weren't you?

Lorenzo: What the hell Arez.
Arez: It slipped I-
Chase: You knew Arez?
Arez: I-
Dylan: What, are you two besties now?
Leon: Look out Archer...looks like Arez is looking for a new twin.
Rose: Guy-
Arez: Very funny Leon.

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