Chapter Ten~ Lorenzo Part Two

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  When I woke up my first instinct was to rub my head when I quickly realized my hands were handcuffed to the bed, my feet were tied to the bed and my mouth was gagged. I instantly started to panic. Then tears started to fall as I had come to the realization that they might kill me. I was left alone with nothing but my thoughts. Is Dylan that twisted and mean to say something like that? But that can't be the case because of his face. Or was I so light headed that I saw things before I collapsed? But if that was the case I wouldn't be tied to a freaking bed right now. Whose bed is this anyway. Anger, confusion, fear and sadness starts to consume me. I fight to get out but it's no use.

I am tied up so tight that it starts to hurt really badly. I start to move and mumble to get someone's attention. Surely enough someone walks in but then I immediately regret when I remember what Dylan said. This can't be real. How the hell are they not humans. I probably got myself into some sick demonic shit. I take a moment to take in my surroundings; this is definitely not my room. I can't really see what's in here though. Everything is so dark. The figure gets close and I can finally make out the face. It's Lorenzo, of course it's Lorenzo.

He walks toward me. When he clicks on the light I can see the half of the room I'm in. What the hell is wrong with them. Gags, whips, handcuffs vibrators and basically every sex toy known to man kind. He has a sad expression on his face. 

Lorenzo: I know you must want me dead right now and I'm sorry you're tied up like this but I have to explain". I obviously have no choice but to listen.

Lorenzo: We are not human, that is true but that doesn't mean that we are monsters. We are vampires. And believe me I know how stupid and lame that sound but it's the truth. And now that you know we can't let you go. He reaches then takes a gag out my mouth. He pauses for a second biting his lip staring at the spit falling off the ball. Then he leaves the trance he was in.

Rose: "Why are you guys doing this anyway".

Lorenzo: "We can't risk you going out and spreading the word".

Rose: "Ok whatever I won't just please let me go" I say hopeless and scared.

Lorenzo: "Rose you have no idea how much I want to believe you but I can't I'm sorry"

Rose: "Wow Lorenzo you're really good at acting like you give a shit".

Lorenzo: "I understand that you're mad but there's more".

Rose: "Please don't tell me you guys are going to-"

Lorenzo: "No no nothing like that".

Rose: "Well what else do you guys want? I'm literally being held captive in a house full of vampires.

Lorenzo: "Wait you believe me"?

Rose: "After what I saw what happened to Dylan's face I would believe anything".

Lorenzo: "You're right. He shouldn't have shown you that. Are you OK?

Rose: "What the fuck do you mean if I'm OK just get to the point please.

Lorenzo: "You won't be allowed to leave this house, matter of fact you won't be able to".

Rose:"This is a joke right? This whole vampire, tied up in what looks to be a sex dungeon thing is a joke right? What is this place anyway am I even still in the house?

Lorenzo:"Yes you are still in the house. This is called our playroom and this is not a joke".

Rose:"So what exactly are you guys even planning on doing with me? Just take my blood from me until I get old and die or weak and die?

Lorenzo:"None of the above but I must say if you do offer it to us we will not reject".

Rose:"So this is real life"? I quickly think about what I am going to do. If I attempt to leave here it's a possibility I can be killed if I stay it's also a possibility.

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