Chapter Nine~ The truth

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My attention trails off to the last unknown brother who is sitting alone by the pond. I grab my sandals and a towel and head toward him. I sit on the bench beside him.
Rose: "Hey". As if I'm not here he doesn't even respond.
Rose: "Look we never spoke so I have no idea why you're being so rude".
Unknown brother: "If you think that me not throwing myself at you like the rest of my pathetic brothers is rude then so be it".
Rose: "Wow he speaks", I say sarcastically.
Dylan: "What is your problem? Do you think you can just run through our entire family"?
Rose: "Excuse me"!?
Dylan: "Oh I'd rather you not act confused. We both know that you are planning on sleeping with all of them, that's if you already haven't. I mean look at what you're wearing. Well tough luck I'm not interested".
Rose: "Wow! Okay newsflash, I didn't come over here with any intentions of sleeping with you and FYI the only reason I'm wearing this is because this happens to be the only bikini I had. And furthermore why the hell would I want to sleep with all of you. Do you think I'm a slut? Ugh just forget it"! I get up and storm off.
"Rose what's wrong"?
"What happened"?
"Did he say something"? They all seem worried but I don't care. I just ran upstairs and slammed my door. I lock it this time though they love to come and apologize or some crap. Was he just saying what they all were thinking or is he just a dick like I thought he was.
Lorenzo:*knock knock knock* "Rose open up"
Rose: "I'm naked".
Lorenzo: "I know you're lying".
It's true. I was always a bad liar.
Rose: "Look I know you're gonna come in here and apologize for him, or make him apologize, or beg me to stay but I'm really not in the mood right now".
Lorenzo: "We understand that but this time we just wanna be completely honest with you".
Rose: "You don't even know what he said to me".
Lorenzo: "We heard". I walk over to the door.
Rose: "No you didn't we were like 10 feet away. I mean sure he shouted but not loud enough for you to make out his words".
Lorenzo: "That's actually what we want to talk about".
Rose: "Ok Big deal you have a few cameras over the yard I mean you guys are rich I'm surprised you don't own a camera company.
Lorenzo "No Rose, I'm serious this time".
Rose: "So all the other times were a joke".
Lorenzo: "No that's not what I meant I-. Ugh can we please come in".
Rose: "No you may not". He gives me a begging look. I roll my eyes, step aside and do an entering gesture. They all come in. Some sit on the floor, some sit on the bed, some pull up a chair and I don't even have to say who stood up.
Lorenzo looks at me with a sympathetic expression.
Lorenzo: "Rose I am so very sorry that he said that to you".
Rose: "Why should you be? He was just saying what everyone in here was thinking". Silence fills the room.
Rose: "Oh you didn't really think I didn't know you guys conversed about heated moments. I mean I never saw or heard you guys for myself but I'm not stupid".
Leon: Okay I'll admit we have whispered a bit but we would never slut shame you.
Deyvan: I agree. I know I'm not your favorite person but I'm telling you it's nothing like what you're thinking.
Rose: "Oh please don't give me that I'm different crap".
Archer: You are! But that's not the case at the moment.
Arez: I don't think we should tell her. I mean what if she leaves and you know..." He does a talking motion with his hand.
Rose: "Seriously Arez! This coming from the guy who just fingered me in the pool house". They all looked surprised and upset.
Hunter: I'm sorry Rose but he's got a point. How do we know we can trust you".
Rose: "Wow really you too Hunter I seemed very trustworthy when you were trying to rip my clothes in the front seat of your car". He says nothing and just looks down. Lorenzo looks at him with an upset face; everyone else is just silent.
Rose: "You know what screw it"! I leap out of my bed and begin to pack.
Chase: Rose wait! They are saying that because this is a huge secret". I continue to furiously pack my stuff.
Rose: "What? Are you the family of murderous drug dealers that the cops are looking for, because newsflash, they stopped looking".
Unknown brother: Oh would you quit being a baby and let my brothers explain. I pretend to calm down.
Rose: "You know, I never got your name.
Unknown brother: Yeah and for good reason.
Lorenzo: It's Dylan.
Rose: "Okay Dylan. You may not like me but one thing you're not going to do is sit here and disrespect me.My body is my body, my responsibility and my damn business. So that means that if i want to sleep half of the fucking state ill do as such and it has not a damn thing to do with your rude, uptight, disrespectful ass. And as for the rest of you, when I leave this place, lose my number".
Lorenzo: Rosee please. He grabs my wrist then let's go a little while after.
Dylan: Oh for fuck's sake were not human. Everyone turns to him as if he had just pulled out a loaded gun.
Chase: Dylan! What the fuck man!
"What did you just say?". I say in a shaky voice looking at Dylan with confusion in my eyes. He walks closer to me.
Dylan: I said...
Hunter: Chill the fuck out dude! Dylan acts as if he didnt hear him.
Dylan: We.Are.Not.Human.
"W-W-What does that even mean".
Dylan: Didn't you ever wonder why Lorenzo is so protective over you? Or why a few of my brothers didn't finish their little moment with you? Or why control is always a topic in this house. Or why there is always "kook-aid" in the cups."
Lorenzo:Cut it out Dylan.
Rose: "What is he talking about Lorenzo"? He doesn't answer.
Dylan: "I mean surely you noticed we didn't actually get drunk."
Leon: I think you have made your point Dyl.
Archer: Yeah dude you've had your fun!
Dylan: Oh but she's so smart and tuff she must know that all of this is because you guys don't want to kill her. When he says that my heart drops. I look at the brothers but none of them return the gaze. With every statement he gets closer until we are only inches apart.
Rose: "I- I don't understand", I say nervously. He gets as close as he can without touching me and I look up at him.
Dylan:Oh I think you know. With those words his eyes darken and black veins begin to pop out in and under his eyes. I am completely frozen in fear. I don't move, I don't blink and I don't breathe. After a few seconds I stumbled back a bit. I look at everyone, some of them can't even look at me, some look so sad. The room starts to spin, everything slows down and starts to get dark. I collapsed. The last thing I see is him smiling showing his now very sharp teeth but at that point I would call them fangs.

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