Chapter Twenty Six~ Playroom Part Two.

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Let's just get this over with. I make my way to Lorenzo's room, thinking the entire way there. What he just told me is really messed up, but it's not that serious.

Okay okay, it is serious. But I didn't one hundred percent dislike it. It was a little rougher than what I was expecting from him, but it was kind of a nice change of scenery.

Rose: Lorenzo?

I got no answer.

I knocked, but still no answer. I decided to head downstairs. As soon as I turned around I saw someone standing before me.

Rose: *gasps* Dylan what the hell!
Dylan: Hi Rose.
Rose: I'm sorry Dylan, I just need a second to jumpstart my heart.
Dylan: You and the dramatics.
Rose: What do you want?
Dylan: Wow, I thought we were better.
Rose: We had sex Dylan, and that was mainly because I was frustrated.
Dylan: You seem frustrated now. *smirks*
Rose: I am that's why I need to find Lorenzo.

His smirk disappeared.

Rose: Not like that. I need to talk to him.
Dylan: And I need to talk to you.
Rose: About?
Dylan: What the hell do you think Rose? Since we met we have been butting heads. Hated each other.
Rose: You hated me first.

He glares at me.

Rose: Go on.
Dylan: We've had our issues. And just recently know.
Rose: No I'm not sure I do.
Dylan: Stop.
Rose: I'm not doing anything. I'm just unclear on what you're trying to say. Or more so what you're trying not to say.
Dylan: *exhales* We had sex. *whispers* And we are not talking, not since that happened.
Rose: We haven't talked before.
Dylan: YEAH BUT ROSE I WAS...*looks around* inside of you. *whispers*
Rose: Yeah I remember. I was there.

In the blink of an eye he takes both of my wrists, holds them up and pinned me against the nearest wall. His body is on mine, his face only inches away.

Dylan: Why are you being so fucking difficult?

I don't speak I just look up at him.

Dylan: Stop.
Rose: Stop what?
Dylan: Looking at me like...
Rose: Like?

He releases my hands.

Dylan: What um...did you and Lorenzo have to talk about?
Rose: When do Lorenzo and I not have something to talk about.
Dylan: Doesn't sound like your looking forward to it.
Rose: I'm not.

With that, Dylan lifts me up and throws me over is shoulder. He starts to walk.

Rose: Dylan put me down!
Dylan: Shhh. Someone will hear us.
Rose: Where are we going Dylan?

He doesn't answer, he just continues walking. After about three minutes I try again.

Rose: Let me walk Dylan.
Dylan: We're almost there.
Rose: Where!
Dylan: *slaps my ass* Shhhh.
Rose: *gasps* Dylan!

He snickers. I then feel us heading down some stairs.

Rose: Dylan, please tell me, you're scaring me.
Dylan: I'm scaring you?
Rose: Yes! I don't know where you're taking me.
Dylan: Rose, I didn't hurt you even when I hated you.

We get to the bottom of the stairs, took a few more steps and entered a room. A door then closed behind us. All of sudden Dylan places me down. We stood in a room that was pitch black.

Rose: Where are we Dylan?

As if to answer the question, he turns on the lights. Thus revealed a room I knew all too well. It was the one Lorenzo and I officially.... The first room I saw after being tied up by them. The room I was put in because Dylan had told me their secret. The playroom I believed he called it.

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