Chapter Four~ The twins

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When I woke up I heard whispering above my head. I kept my eyes closed so they would keep talking. I try to connect the voices with the person but everything is so confusing I also hear some unfamiliar voices.
"So what the hell were you planning on doing? Huh? We're you gonna freaking rape her"?
"Of course not! I just lost control" .
"You could've killed her" !
"He almost did".
"He made a mistake, give him a break".
"I'm sorry I'm still confused on what happened".
    I'm confused and irritated. I can't tell who is freaking talking. I open my eyes and everyone's eyes are focused on me. I notice that there are no longer only four brothers. I fly up and back up quickly. Not shortly after I feel excruciating pain coming from my head, chest and neck. I hold my neck and notice Deyvan standing closely to me I jump out my skin.
"It's okay he won't hurt you anymore" says Lorenzo. They all look genuinely sorry, especially Deyvan. I say nothing. I am still deathly afraid.
"Look at the poor little thing she's shaking", says one of the brothers I haven't met yet. I look and I'm under a thin silky sheet but I am only in my bra and thong.
   I wrap my entire body in the sheet.
"No need to worry we took it off because you were burning up, we didn't see or touch anything.
"Nor did we want to", says a brother I'm not familiar with.
"Speak for yourself" says another.
Lorenzo: "Okay can you all give Rose and I minute please". They all listen to Lorenzo and leave. Before leaving Deyvan says "I'm really really sorry Rose". I turn away he sighs and leaves.
    Lorenzo sits next to me on the bed. I flinch.
Lorenzo: "Please do not fear me Rose. I knew I shouldn't have left him alone with you I am sorry". I could barely bring out any words.
Lorenzo: "Listen Rose, I know this is a lot to ask of you but can you please stay"
Rose: "I can't. I could have died Lorenzo. If you didn't come in time I could've died. Plus this is a house filled with secrets"
Lorenzo: "Don't say that. Okay here me out if you stay I can guarantee you protection from him and by him and by everyone one who lives here and we will tell you whatever you want to know. We would even give you a raise"
Rose: "Lorenzo if all of this is just so I won't go out and turn him in, you don't have to worry I just want be safe"
Lorenzo: "No it's so much more than that everyone here wants you to stay and you will be safe, I promise". I'm literally putting my life at risk but he sounds so sincere and I've got everything I need here.
"Okay I'll stay but no lies"
"No problem! Um...are you still doing laundry"?
"Yup! It is my job".
"Great to hear. You should get dressed and I'll go inform the others, they will all be thrilled. Oh and I'll send one of my brothers to come fix you up and don't worry he's gentle.
   He winks, smiles and leaves. I quickly take a shower when I get out I realize the hand print on my neck. I look away and get dressed in some short shorts and a shirt. I hear a knock at the door. I answer it and it's one of the unknown brothers.
Unknown Brother: "Lorenzo sent me". I look down and see a first aid kit.
Rose: "Oh come in". I expected him to be as sexy as the others but that doesn't mean that  it still doesn't surprise me. The stunning man walks in and sits on my bed. He gestures for me to come and sit. He is shirtless and a bit damp. His hair is wet and he has a towel around his neck. He's wearing long grey sweats and it's quite obvious he's not wearing underwear. His pants are low enough for me to see his V-line.
   Unknown Brother: I just got out of the shower and was told you need some patching up. I am deeply sorry for my brother's actions. Your name's Rose right"?
Rose: " Yeah that's me. What's your name"?
Unknown Brother: "Leon". He touches my neck so gentle it feels as though his fingers are just hovering.
Leon: "Does that hurt"?
Rose: "Not at all"
Leon: "What about that"?
Rose: "Nope". His voice, his words, his touch, they're all so consuming that I am unaware that my eyes are rolled back. He notices and gets closer to my neck. I can feel his breath on my neck and I say nothing. I feel a kiss planted on my neck. His lips are so nice and so soft that a moan escapes from my mouth. He obviously likes it. I can feel him getting hard on my leg. We look at each other's eyes come in closer and there goes the knock. Of course someone has to knock.
   "Hey I was just wondering if you guys were done" Lorenzo says.
Leon: "Yup I was just giving Rose the cream to rub on her neck and some pain killers. Here you go". I take it from him.
Rose: "Thanks".
Lorenzo: "Alright you guys can come downstairs then". I get up and leave the room. Before I go down stairs I here Lorenzo say "did you keep your composure"? I heard Leon's reply saying "yes but I see why it was so hard for Deyvan". I think nothing of it as soon as it enters my head it leaves and I start to fold clothes. After I am done I set up the hampers very nicely. I say "here you go" to everyone as I give them their load except for Deyvan I give him his load but say nothing. As I was about to walk off he grabs my wrist. I whisper "let go". He whispers "we need to talk".
Rose: "I have nothing to say to you Deyvan". He gets serious "don't be like that", he twists my wrist. I try to be quiet but it feels like it's at breaking point, I scream.
   All the brothers look our way and ball their fist. Except one he continues to walk off as if he is unbothered.
"Let her go" says Arez. He lets me go and I run upstairs. While I am up there I can hear the arguing. *Knock knock* "
Rose: "Not right now Lorenzo".
Both twins: "Actually, his turn to talk is after us".I look up and see the twins. They both sit on either side of me.
Arez:I know you don't want to hear this but he really means well.
Rose: Means well? This is only just my first day and I already got two bruises from him. I show them my wrist and like my neck it's bruised.
Archer: I am so very sorry. We know we can't change your mind now so we will help you pack. He sighs. No need I am staying. I just need some time alone and far away from him. They both get excited "that's great to hear" Arez says.
   *Sniff sniff* "is that you"?"Archer asked me.
*Sniff sniff* "it is you", says Arez.
Archer:*Sniff sniff* did you just shower or something?
"Um yeah. Like thirty minutes ago.
Arez: You smell really good! In unison they both softly glide their hands from my knee up to the middle of my thigh and squeeze softly. It's wrong but boy oh boy it feels right. I feel the moistness of both of their tongues on each side of my neck, I moan. They both take my hands and slowly push them down each of their pants. They continue to kiss my neck and rub my thighs. We hear footsteps and everyone separates. Shortly after Lorenzo walks in and following him is Deyvan. I leap out of my bed and step back.
   Lorenzo: "It's okay I brought him to apologize"
Rose: "It's fine I get it. He has a hard time expressing himself" . He looks at me surprised about how forgiving I am.
Deyvan: "I am so sorry Rose. I promise I will make it up to you". He leaves followed by the twins. Lorenzo and I both remove our gaze from the door and onto each other.
"Rose listen l-"
"Please spare me the persuasive talk I am not leaving".
"Oh that's great news! But I am still sorry" he hugs me. So surprised I hesitated a bit and then hugged him back. He looks down at me for a little while then clears his throat and let's go as if he's avoiding doing something.
"Well I'm glad to hear your staying. I hope you will join us downstairs'' and with that he leaves. I think to myself what have I gotten myself into.

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