Chapter Seventeen~ Giving In

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Leon and the twins enter. Immediately, Lorenzo walks towards them. 

Lorenzo: So?

Arez: Nothing.

Lorenzo: Shit! 

Lorenzo walks a few steps away and angrily clears off the coffee table. 

Hunter: I don't know why he's so shocked. I just told him Leon said that. 

Chase: So, you guys really didn't come up with anything?

Leon: Don't sound so judgemental. We tried.

Archer: They did get something out of one guy.

Lorenzo: What the fuck Leon what did he say? 

Leon: Nothing that can help us. 

Lorenzo sighs. 

Deyvan: Why did Dylan come home alone?

Chase: And pissed. 

Leon: He's on edge. 

Deyvan: About? 

Archer: Rose.

Arez: But he won't admit it. 

Hunter: I don't know. He's hated her since she came why would it change now?

Arez: Maybe he was faking it the whole time. 

Hunter: But why?

Arez: I don't know. He could just have a heart and realise that this situation could be serious. 

Lorenzo: You guys didn't see what I saw in the kitchen last night. 

Chase: What's that? 

Lorenzo: He was compelling her and she was on her knees. 

Hunter: What?

Lorenzo: Yeah. And I didn't want to say anything, but, he was totally turned on. 

Deyvan: Wait! He was fucking horny? For Rose? 

Lorenzo: Yup like...standing up.

Hunter: How he talked to and about her I thought-

Lorenzo: Yeah me too.

Chase: So that means he is on edge about Rose.

Leon: He bit a human in the parking lot when we were about to leave. 

Lorenzo: What!

Deyvan: Shit. That sounds like-

Leon: Stress eating. That's what I said. 

Hunter: I'm gonna check on-

Arez: Let him cool off. 

Archer: Yeah. You didn't see how he was acting. 

Leon: He looked like he was having a panic attack. Anything you say can trigger him right now.

Hunter: Good call. 

While everyone is conversing, Lorenzo is about to walk out of the door. 

Chase: Where are you going?

Lorenzo: To find Rose. 

Chase: You need to take a break. You've been calling for hours dude. 

Lorenzo: I'll take a break when I find her. 

Hunter: We will all pitch in later. But if we don't calm down, we won't think straight. 

They all agree and head to their rooms. 

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