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A few weeks later

The four bikes parked inside the garage, and the laughter echoed through the closed space. The four figures went further into the building while talking loudly. 

"Another job well done." Yok grinned, skipping towards the couches. Plopping down on the available seat, he glanced at the rest of the gang.

"All the moving made me hungry." Gram groaned, sitting next to Yok. Black and Sean were still standing, searching for the two missing people. 

"We are here," Gumpa shouted from the small kitchen, pulling their attention. Black didn't hesitate, practically running after the voice with Sean on his heels. As soon as they walked inside the small kitchen, they were met with cooking White and Gumpa, who placed the food on the plates, ready to bring them out. 

"Welcome back." The older man greeted them before leaving the room with full hands. Black's eyes wandered towards his brother, who was still concentrated on his task. His full lips were parted slightly, letting the tip of his ping tongue out. His glasses were firmly set on his cutely scrunched nose, and Black wondered how the person with the same face could look so beautifully different. 

"We are home, honey." Sean's deep voice pulled Black out of his stupor. He didn't even notice the tall asshole creeping his way towards White. Black growled, seeing the lanky arms sneaking around his baby brother's thin waist. The kiss on the lips was the last straw. 

"Welcome home. P'Sean." White giggled, returning the pack, and Black wanted to gag. He still couldn't understand what his twin saw in that fucker. He wasn't even halfway handsome as him. 

"Stop molesting my baby brother in front of me." Black snapped at Sean, crossing his arms in front of his chest. 

"I have all the right to hug and kiss my boyfriend." Sean retorted, giving another quick kiss to White only to piss Black off. 

"Stop it, you two." White shook his head, patting his boyfriend's hand and pointing at the plates left on the table.

"Can you take it out, please, P'Sean?" He asked. Sean nodded, doing what his boyfriend wanted, leaving the siblings alone. Black walked over to White, tilting his face to the side, waiting. He heard a soft giggle before the wet lips kissed his cheek. He grinned, satisfied. 

"Welcome home, P'Black." White chirped with a smile. 

"Did it go well?" He asked curiously. 

"Better than expected. The structure of our "light sabre", as Yok named it, needs to be modified a little, but it works well." 

"Good." White beamed, turning back to the stove and turning it off. Black leaned closer, peeking over his brother's shoulder. A small smile crept on his face. It smelled delicious. 

After the hellish night, the gang figured out a way to use the halogen light against the creatures. It took them more time to create a portable one, but they eventually made it too. White didn't insist on joining them in the tryouts after the traumatic experience and instead stayed behind in the garage with Gumpa. Black welcomed his baby brother's change of mind. There were still things he hated, though. White falling in love with asshole Sean was one of them. At least that tall ugly creature loved his baby brother the same way. If not, Black was ready to throw him out for the Hell Hole creatures to eat him. Their father used White's fake death as a stepping stone for his rising career, but the gang was working on destroying it. His adorable twin was more than disappointed and sad, but he will get over it with time. Black will make sure of it. 

"Are you going to help me or not?" White's voice pulled him out of the thinking, blinking at him from behind the glasses. 

"I am doing it now." Black pretends to be annoyed but takes the pot from his brother's hand anyway. They walked back to the gang, and Black placed the meal in the middle of the table. He let his brother sit beside Sean and plopped next to him right after. White scooped up food for him and his boyfriend before serving himself. Black observed his baby brother munching on dinner, looking all cute and happy. 

Though this world was still a dystopia reincarnated, the sight of his twin being happy made it all better. Everything was better with White by his side. His baby brother was home. 


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