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The content of the papers White was holding in his hands shocked him. He didn't think Gumpa would trust him with something like this. He was still a stranger, after all. Reading about corruption, which included people his father was constantly talking about, made him dizzy. He was right about not wanting to get involved in this. Putting the papers away for a while, he enjoyed the noise echoing through the building. He heard Black arguing with Sean, Yok laughing, and Gram sighing at his friend's silliness. White let out a weary smile. This was all he wanted to experience back in Russia. But instead, he was all alone, with no real friends. His father avoided him as a plague and contacted him only when he was expected at a random diplomatic party. With time he got used to loneliness and stopped hoping. 

"White! Help!" Yok shouted, pulling him out of thinking. The noisy man was running towards him, with Black at his heels. His big brother was cursing at him for some unknown reason. Yok jumped in front of him and hauled him onto his feet. Before White could comprehend what was going on, he was used as a shield, covering Yok's taller frame. 

"Let go of my brother, you bastard!" Black yelled, trying to grab White's hand, but Yok was quick to shuffle them further from him. 

"White, help me. Your brother is trying to murder me!" Yok faked a cry. White couldn't help it. The whole situation was so lovely, warm, and funny he started to laugh. His body shook with a wholehearted laugh, startling Black and Yok. White didn't believe he would ever laugh like this again. He glanced at his brother, seeing the corner of his lips twitch. It didn't take him too long to join his laughing outburst. 

"The truck is here," Gumpa shouted from the entrance. Yok let go of White, sensing the less murder attitude from Black and ran away. White shook his head, smiling at his twin. 

"What did he do?"

"He's a prick. That's it. Let's go." Black snorted, grabbing White's hand and dragging him towards the entrance. The gang was already unloading the truck, carrying the different kinds of lights inside.  

"We will have to try them before the mission." Gumpa pointed out. 

"Generator works just fine," Sean announced. 

"If it goes well, we can go tonight," Black said, receiving enthusiastic agreement from others. White sighed. It was a little too soon for him. 

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