chapter twelve

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i dusted the flour off my hands as neymar placed the tray into the oven. "i think we did good." he turned and smiled at me proudly.

we did not.

i shook my head at his comment and untied my apron, putting it on the rack as he licked the whisk. he looked over at me and smiled shyly. "want some?" he held the whisk up and i shook my head.

"i don't know where your mouth has been." i held my hand up and walked around the counter, setting a timer on my phone.

"weren't complaining yesterday. or this morning. or ten minutes ago." i wasn't even looking at him and i could see the smirk on his lips.

"oh shut up." i laughed and he threw the bowls in the sink, looking down at his phone which rang. his face lighting up at the screen. "who is it?"

he didn't reply, instead answered the phone and waved. "olá meu amor, como você está?" he set the phone on the counter, and rested his chin in his hands.
(hello my love, how are you?)

i heard a small chuckle, "oi pai, tudo bem! eu sinto sua falta." a voice spoke from the other side. i smiled as i assumed it was his son.
(hello dad, i miss you!)

neymar smiled like i hadn't seen before, granted i've only know him a week, although it felt a whole lot longer. "também sinto saudade! mal posso esperar para vê-lo na próxima semana."
(i miss you too! i can't wait to see you next week.)

i sat down on the chair opposite him, scrolling through my phone, but really i was just watching him. the way his whole body lightened as he spoke to his son, the love you could see in his eyes, he just looked so gentle and caring.

"eu também! mamãe perguntou se sua nova namorada estaria lá." the two of them shared a laugh, they sounded so similar. granted i couldn't understand a thing, his eyes settled on me.
(me either! mommy asked if you're new girlfriend would be there.)

"não meu amor, ela é só uma amiga... bem na hora." he smiled at me, and i returned it immediately before his eyes went back to his son, who was giggling on the other end.
(no my love, she's just a friend... well at the minute.)

i looked back down at phone, ignoring the two of them as best i could, taking small glances up at neymar every-time he laughed with his son, wanting to give them their privacy.

"posso dizer olá?" neymar looked at me before turning to back his son, he let out a small sigh before nodding. "he wants to say hi." ushering me towards him, i walked over and waved at blonde haired boy.
(can i say hello?)

"hi!" the boy waved back at me , as neymar placed his hand on my back, and davi gleamed at his father. "how are you?"

"hello! i am very good, and you?" he spoke slowly, taking his time on each word, his fathers smile growing wider by the second.

"i'm good thank you." i heard a voice shout in the background and davi rolled his eyes. like father like son.

"mamãe está me ligando, te ligo amanhã papai! te amo, tchau! goodbye noelle!" he waved at me, as his father blew kisses at the screen.
(mom is calling me, call you tomorrow dad! love you, bye!)

"adeus filho, te amo." the call ended and neymar wrapped his arms around me. "his mom is definitely stalking your social media. i didn't tell him your name." he buried his head in the crook of my neck making me smile.
(goodbye son, love you.)

"i mean, leo has been sending me articles about us for the past three hours. he called me a whore after each one." i laid my head on his as he laughed against my neck.

"he's one of a kind." he mumbled, as i laid my hands ontop of his arms. "do you speak portuguese?" he lifted his head up so now his chin was resting on my shoulder.

i shook my head. "no, i can understand bits and pieces. some words are similar to spanish." i told him, and he hummed in acknowledgment. "you two are cute though, he looks more like you then i thought."

he kissed my cheek as his grip got firmer. "thank you. he's my everything." he said in a low tone, i traced my finger over his tattoos.

"what's your favourite one?" he looked down at his arms and thought for a second. "i like.." i turned my body around to face him as ran my finger past his ear. "this one."

"ahh, 'nothing last forever.' he translated the words as i smiled softly. i know that all too well. "mine is probably, davi's tattoo.. or this one." he held his finger up his lips.

i chuckled as i read the tattoo. "ahhh, the famous 'shh.'" he smiled and bent down giving me a small peck as my phone started buzzing.

"pineapple cake!" he shouted out, pushing himself away from me. i grabbed two tea towels as he opened the oven door. smoke filled the room as i grabbed the cake and put it on the side.

it looked... sad.

the two of us exchanged glances, before bursting out laughing at our poor excuse of a cake. "we have to eat it. it's our baby."

i gave him a disgusted look, "you want to eat our baby?" i said in disbelief, as he threw his head back laughing. "i'm not eating that. unlike you, i'm young, and have a full life ahead of me."

i looked over at him as he death stared me. "puta." he said sharply. "well then, would should we do?"

"charades!" i jumped up as he let out a small breath, cursing under his breath in portuguese. "i'll go first, guess who i am." i dived ontop of the counter, gripping my arm, rolling around frantically.

"you're so funny." he placed his hands on his hips, glaring at me. "is it me?" i clapped my hands together as he rolled his eyes at me.

"ding ding! one point to neymar. or one yellow card should i say." i smiled proudly at myself, as he walked off into the living room me following behind him.

"this coming from the girl who threw a shoe at the reff for sending her off." now i was the one glaring at him, but i also couldn't help but smile.

"awe, am i your favourite player. do you want my shirt?" i wrapped my arms around his neck, i could see him fighting a smile. "and he called me a useless bitch, and that red card was totally unnecessary!" i argued in my defence.

"you pulled a players hair!" he laughed out as i rolled my eyes at him. "i dive, i don't attack." he said proudly.

"maybe less diving and more attacking." his hands wrapped around my waist, as he sat back on the couch with me in his lap.

"i don't like you very much." he looked up at me and i smiled softly. "i'm lying. i like you a lot.." he looked up at the ceiling, letting out a hearty breath. "when you go back to england.. what happens?"

i was stunned by his sudden question. what would happen? "uhm. i don't know. why? let's just enjoy this week." i could tell that my answer disappointed him, but yet he smiled and cupped my face and kissed me gently.

"a week. a week you'll never forget." he mumbled against my lips, kissing me once again. he sat up, as i moved my head to the side, feeling his hand trail from my back down to my thigh, my heart pounding.

a week i'll never forget.

neymar the typa guy
to pout and say 'cuddles?'
in a baby voice.....
anyway, thanks for reading !
love ya <3

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