•Chapter 25•

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   Taylor's POV

I'm an embarrassment? Really? If anyone is an embarrassment it's going to be that pack member of his. I can't believe he said that to me. I was a little sad that he said that. Then Michael had to come and add something to it. I growled in frustration and started to jog when the pack house came into view. I looked behind me and was surprised that he didn't follow me. I jogged to the house and opened the doors. Ryan, Sarah, Theo, and Sasha were sitting on the couch watching tv.

"That was an unfair race." I said. Everyone heads turned toward me. Ryan smirked while Sarah and Theo jumped off the couch, running toward me.

"Aunt Tay!" They said in unison. I smiled and bent down to give them a hug. "Hey." I hugged them then pulled back.

"Can we play?" Theo asked. I shook my head and stood up.

"Not right now. Aunt Tay has to take care of some business. Y'all go upstairs to your mama." I shooed them upstairs.

"Hey Sasha." I said. She smiled and waved. I walked toward my office and through the doors.

"So what's the plan?" Ryan asked. I shrugged and looked at my chair. Mason had his nose stuck in one of his journals.

"Mason." I said. He looked up and smiled.

"Yes?" He asked. I raised my hand up and he gave me a confused look.

"Get up, Mason." I said irritated. Mason is a smart guy, but sometimes he can act very stupid. He made an 'O' shape with his mouth and stood up. I nodded and sat in my chair.

"Close the door." I said. After the door was closed, Ryan and Mason sat down.

"So what's the pla-" Ryan started to say, but I cut him off.

"What's this?" I pointed to the white envelope on my desk. I looked up at Mason and he shrugged his shoulders. I flipped it over and it had my name on it. I tore it open and saw that it was another letter. I opened the paper and read it out loud.

Dear Taylor,

Finally you have found out who is up to this. It's just sad that you will never find me. I decided to deliver this personally since no one was in the office. I know you want to kill me. To bad you will already be dead. I have my reasons for doing this. You will see me on the next full moon. Love youuuu.


I balled up the paper and threw it at Mason. He caught it and through it in the basket. I growled and stood up.

"How did he deliver it 'personally', if you was in here?" I asked. He gulped and stepped towards the door. I growled and came from around my desk.

"Mason." I warned. "You better tell her something, man. You know how she is when she's mad." Ryan spoke up.

"I don't know. I didn't see anyone in here. One point of the day I had to go out to help with something on pack grounds." He mumbled out. I growled and turned around.
"Get out." I whispered. I was losing control. My wolf wanted to take over, but I didn't want to let her.


"GET OUT!" I yelled. I heard the door open and close. I growled and sat back down. I picked up the vase that was sitting on the far corner of my desk and threw it at the wall. I stood up and threw the desk at the corner of the wall, making wood fly everywhere. I growled and punched the wall behind me. I stared at the wall just thinking of all the things he could have done when he was here. How did he get into my territory? He wants to see me on the next full moon. That's 3 days from now. I punched the wall again. I began to rip the wallpaper off the wall, but stopped when I heard the door open.

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