•Chapter 15•

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Taylor's POV

When we got back to the house, I told Joshual and Brooke they have a room ready for them and headed up the stairs to my room. When I got up there, my room was spotless clean.

Everything was in its rightful place. Even my bright pink panties. I was so embarrassed that Joshual seen them. Theo is going to pay for that.

I ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I hopped out and dried my hair and my body. I pulled my towel around my body and walked out the room to my closet.

"Ummmm....." I jumped at the voice and turned around to see that dipstick standing in a corner of my room.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked, pulling the towel tighter around my body.

"Well, I came to tell you they are looking for you." He said. His eyes were shifting between his blue and black. Oh no. That's not good.

"Who is looking for me?"

"Your pack. They're all downstairs. So I thought since you're introducing me to your pack that I could walk down with you."

I bit my lips, unsure what to say. He must have noticed the little gesture because a low growl erupted from his chest.

"You might not want to do that princess." He said. I growled.

"How many times have I told you not to call me princess? Dang man. Do you even listen?" I said. He looked taken back by my outburst.

"What is so wrong with me calling you princess?" He asked.

"I don't like it, okay?" I said turning toward my closet.

"Now, can you get out? I have to get dressed." I said. He sighed, but I didn't hear no doors opening. I turned around to see him still standing there. He is really pushing it.

"Fine." I went into my closet and got some ripped jeans and a black tank top. I got my sandals with gold chains on it. I walked out and toward the bathroom.

I was almost to the bathroom door when Joshual moved in front of it. Omg. This dude just doesn't get it.

"Please move." I said irritated. I looked at the clock and saw it read, 7:45. The party starts at 8.

"No. Change out here." He said. If he wasn't going to move then I was going to have to do it myself.

Before I could move him, he grabbed my arms causing me to drop my clothes. Sparks went flying everywhere. I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I tried to ignore it. My grip on the towel got tighter.

"Change out here." His voice sounding more powerful. I chuckled. "You really would like that, wouldn't you?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"You know it." He said showing his white teeth. Then I had got an idea.

"Come here. I want to show you something." I said. He raised his eyebrows at me. "Come on. If you let me show you then I'll dress out here." I said. He hesitantly let me go.

I grabbed his hand and led him over to my balcony. I looked back at him and saw a confused Joshual. I opened the door and stepped out with my hand still in his.

"Look over there." I pointed to a random space. He let go of my hand and walked to the end of the balcony. What an idiot. While he was walking, I was tip toeing back inside.

"I don't see anythin-" He stopped and turned around. I ran inside, holding my towel against my body. I leaped in the door and closed it. I switch the lock. He was beating on the glass door. I laughed and pointed at him.

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