•Chapter 9•

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   Joshual's POV

"Okay. Give me your best shot!" Someone yelled. I shot up from my bed. I looked around, but I didn't see anyone. I layed back down and rubbed my hand over in the spot where my mate suppose to be. Suppose? I shot up from my bed.

Where did she go? Where was she? Did she leave? Did someone kidnap her? I hopped up at that last thought and pulled on some pants and a shirt. I heard more yelling coming from downstairs so I ran out my door.

When I got downstairs, I looked around and saw everyone in a big circle. Then I heard the most angel like voice.

"You still wanna play, pup?" I heard Taylor say. I squeezed my way through the crowd and when I got to the center, I couldn't believe what I saw. There she was, my mate, kneeling in front of Maria.

"That's all you got. Your family must be disappointed in you." Maria spat at Taylor. Taylor stood up followed by Maria. She didn't waste no time and grabbed her hand around Maria's neck.

"You dare disrespect me pup? Do you know who I am?!" Taylor spat in her face.

"I am the Alpha of the RedMoon pack." She yelled in her face. Maria was shaking with fear while clawing at Taylor's hand, but Taylor didn't loosen her grip. Taylor was shaking violently and caught on fire. Only this time the fire didn't look as big. It just surrounded the both of them. Everyone was to scared to speak.

Even though she looked very hot when she was mad, I had to get in there before she do something she would regret. I walked forward, telling everyone to move out the way.

Once I got close enough, I took a deep breath and stepped towards the force field. When I realized I wasn't getting burned, I made my way towards Taylor.

"Taylor, baby. You need to calm down, okay?" I asked, touching her arm. Her head snapped to me and her eyes connected with mine. I gulped when I saw that her regular grey, goldish eyes had turned into bloody, red.

"Who are you?" She asked. I could tell her wolf was up front.

"I am Alpha Joshual Freeman of Silverstone pack." I responded confused.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"This is my pack and my territory." I responded more confused. Why is she asking me who I am when we just met yesterday?

"W-What?" She asked confused. Her eyes went back to their original color.

"This isn't my pack?" She asked.

"No. I mean, well yeah and no. We will just talk about it later." I said. The fire force field was gone, but she still had a grip on Maria's neck, but not to tight.

"Are you gonna let me go now?" Maria asked. Taylor head snapped back towards her and she squeezed her hand tighter. Even though she looked quite hot right now, she could not kill one of my pack members.

"Taylor you need to let her go now." I told her calmly.

"She disrespected me. She talked about my parents. She hit me and forced me to hit back so why not finish what she started because she definitely won't finish for herself." She said, cold as ice, not even glancing my way.

I put my hand on her wrist and she immediately calmed down. She looked at me, her eyes had turned back red but was now fighting with her wolf to take control. She won as I seen her eyes change to their original color.

She looked at Maria one last time before throwing her across the room. Maria landed with a thud and hit the ground. She got up and ran, limping to God knows where.

"Get your hands off of me." Taylor said, getting my attention. I hesitated, but pulled my hand off her wrist. She rushed out the door. I was about to go after her when Ryan came out of the crowd.

"Why didn't she remember where she was?" I asked Ryan while he followed me out the door.

"Well you see, when she first shifted it was her and her wolf, but when that girl made her mad her wolf took over completely. Meaning herself wasn't present, but her wolf was completely." Ryan explained.

"Wow. That's just wow." I responded. That's all I could say. I've never heard of this type of stuff. I looked out at the garden where we were yesterday and saw Taylor pacing back and forth.

I was about to walk over there to her when Ryan stopped me.

"What now?" I asked annoyed.

"Maybe we should just leave her alone. I mean, look at her. She looks mad and I don't want to tell her everything when she's like this." He said in one breath. I raised my eyebrow at him while shaking my head.

"No. I'm going to tell her this now. She needs to know before it gets out of hand. Now come on and tell her the truth." I said, frustrated.

"You don't tell me what to do. You're not my Alpha." He said walking closer to me. I growled. He must have lost his mind.

"You don't talk to me like that, pup. I don't care if I'm not your Alpha!" I yelled. I walked closer to him as well.

"You can't talk to me like that. So go talk to one of your pups like that because I'm not yours!" He yelled back. I swung my fist at him, but got stopped by someone's hand. I looked down and saw Taylor. Even though she was smaller and shorter than me, she was still strong.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on him." She said in a deadly tone. I glared at her which made her glare back. I can't believe she is taking up for him. I was to busy to pay attention to the spraks and so was she.

"Why are you taking up for him? I am your mate!" I yelled at her. She countinued glaring at me.

"I'm taking up for hi-, m-m-mate?" She asked, shocked. I nodded my head. She looked at Ryan then at me then at Ryan again. She started laughing, which caught me off guard.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny Ryan. Now that was a good trick, but you don't have to go play with my emotions like that." She said with a fake pout.

"I am your mate." I said, trying to convince her, but she kept shaking her head and laughing. When she stopped laughing, she looked at me then at Ryan.

"Is he serious?" She asked him.

"Yep. He is definitely your mate Taylor and since we are talking, you should now you have shifted into your wolf." Ryan said nervously. I never got why he was so nervous. I looked at Taylor and got my answer.

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