The Truth

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[Athos Callisto Erinyes]

" I started investigating, and I never rested. For days, I had no luck since everyone kept talking about finding your daughter but never about her disappearance or the incident eight years ago. Until, I heard about it." Asmodeus said which made my heart race.

" Who?" I asked, unable to contain myself.

" They're old maids and servants talking about her kidnapping. I listened closely and I learned that their Master is the one who was behind it all. The maids talked about seeing their Master hire two mercenaries to kidnap a baby and raise her, faraway. He gave them two scrolls, both teleportation scrolls to hide when the Grand Duke's knights spotted them. And here's the catch, Athos. The mercenaries will raise the child and bring her back here to kill you. They were instructed to raise your daughter as a weapon against you." He narrated and the cup I'm holding shattered in my grasp.

" Who is it?" I angrily asked. My blood is boiling like crazy. I've been waiting for eight long years for my revenge. Eight long years!

" The previous Duke of Capulet. He's now the Prime Minister of Poseidon Kingdom, Triton Ishmael Trojan." I felt my magic seep out when the room got cold. Asmodeus didn't seem to care.

" Honestly, I didn't think of him as the culprit. He was always weak but clever. But now that I know, it connects well to your daughter's disappearance. When he disappeared a week after your daughter got kidnapped, we didn't think of him. However, he won't became the Prime Minister of Poseidon Kingdom if he didn't do something that would prove his loyalty or worth to the king himself."

" That traitor!" I shouted, gritting my teeth in anger. I wanted to kill him this instant.

" My Lord, they are asleep." Vien warned when the living room froze. I got conscious and calmed down. The ice might reach their rooms and awaken them.

" How are you going to get your revenge, brother?" He seriously asked.

" Don't worry about it. Porthos has been dying to take the Poseidon king down because of the incident today. And we also learned that Triton is involved in the siege this morning. I will make sure he falls in my hands." I replied. We talked more about his investigation and it all makes sense. When Porthos learns this, he will be more eager to confront Poseidon Kingdom.

" I've heard about it on the way here. So, your daughter seems to have inherited your cruelty, Athos. She ordered the Prime Minister to be executed." Asmodeus said, chuckling. " Looking at her portrait, she looks innocent. How can a child severe a hand normally?"

" She is more than what you think she is, Asmodeus." I boasted. I could tell him that my daughter is also a Saintess but sometimes he is too talkative. When he's drunk, you'll never know what he says.

" Will you leave again?" I asked when he suddenly stood up.

" Are you kidding?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. " I want to watch that bloody execution. That Vindictus has been pissing me off, I'm glad he's gonna die."

" And of course I wanted to see your daughter." He said before walking to his own room.

" Face her properly tomorrow, Asmodeus. I don't want you wearing that." I said and he just waved his hand. I sighed and stood up, too. I need to go back to sleep however that traitorous face of that Triton kept appearing in my mind. I couldn't stop the shaking of my body. I wanted to get my revenge now. I lost my daughter because of him. I will make sure I will take everything from him. Everything!

[Amethyst Violetta Erinyes]

I opened my eyes when I felt a soft and deep breathing beside me. I quickly took a look and my Father's face greeted me. He's very handsome even when asleep. But then, I also felt another warm presence behind me. I quietly turned around and Mother is quietly sleeping. She is very beautiful, smiling like she's having a good dream. I smiled since they fell asleep beside me and it never felt so warm and comfortable.

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