The Fall of the Demon

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[Prime Minister Vindictus Delmont]

" USELESS PILE OF TRASH! DAMN IT!" I'm really pissed off right now and even if this monk is already bleeding to death, I still beat him. My anger cannot subside that easily. I won't let this pass.

" Master...please." The monk pleaded but I ignored him. The others are watching with horrified faces as their comrade is being beaten. Pathetic monks...I hated how the king made me guard them. What's so special about them anyway? They're just simple monks...and yet my father also guarded them like treasured gems. He never told me their purpose before he died. Maybe because he knew I'm a traitor. He always knew and he hated me. I kept these monks for years, trying to find their worth but I always fail. Now, they're just punching bags for me...

That little brat, that princess of Erinyes is ruining all my plan. If she never came, I would have successfully killed the Grand Duchess through that annoying Saintess.

Speaking of that other brat, she's very worthless and innocent. I was only nice to her for my plans. And now, everything is ruined. Killing the Grand Duchess would destroy the Grand Duke. I can easily eliminate that family and the kingdom I'm serving will be free to attack this kingdom since they lost their greatest weapon. However, when that princess arrived, the Grand Duchess miraculously survived. I hadn't had the chance to poison her because the security tightened.

And now, my plan to destroy the kingdom failed again. Not only did the core lost its presence, I couldn't detect the energy of the man I ordered to slaughter the royal family and that damn Saintess. What if he was found and he talked? Would all my plan go down the drain?

No...I have to stay calm. I can survive this. I've managed to avoid the king's suspicion for the last five years. He won't suspect me now as I hold the Saintess in my hand. Her whole family is in a tight leash.

But if that man was found, I have to know. My spies on the palace could send me a letter and get me updated. If I learned that I'm safe, I will go back to the kingdom. If not, I need to get ready to escape. The spies on the Erinyes mansion are constantly killed. That family is very good on identifying spies. Thankfully, they don't talk as they swore their word on me through a magical contract. They're basically slaves.

" Master, a letter came." A terrified knight reported. I stopped beating the dying monk and wiped my bloody hands on his clothes. I took the letter and opened it.

" Master,

      The siege failed. The knights never found the spy. However, the archmage located the core and destroyed it. I killed the spy to erase any evidence pointing to you."

I smirked after I read the letter. Now, my mood lifted up. I can go back to that wretched palace, act like I don't know anything and helped them on the investigation which I will purposely ruin. The goddess of luck is favoring me.

" Prepare the carriage." I ordered and left the monks in their dark prison in the underground. After changing my clothes, I stepped inside my carriage.

" Don't let anyone in, understand? And give the monks a piece of bread each. Don't give them anything tomorrow." I ordered to the knight who was left in charge. He saluted and bowed as the carriage moved towards the capital. My knights completely surrounded that temple, no one can get in without my permission and no one can get out.

After a few minutes, we reached the gate of the capital. Knights guard the gates instead of town soldiers.

" What happened? Where are the town soldiers?" I asked, acting clueless.

" They were injured because of the siege, my Lord." He informed. I asked about the whole story and he gladly relayed it to me. While listening to the story, of course, I acted concerned.

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