chapter seventeen

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━━ CHAPTER SEVENTEEN / senator grover

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━━ CHAPTER SEVENTEEN / senator grover

The rec room was quiet. Most of the pilots were either busy on test flights with the other Squadrons or they had retreated to their room. Which left Eliana and Maymie alone in the rec room, exactly how the brunette wanted it to be. Eliana knew that she would be called into a meeting soon enough since she had yet to debrief Leia on the mission but for now, she wanted to enjoy the time with Maymie.

Surprisingly, she had missed her roommate. Though she'd only really realised that she had missed her roommate when she finally saw her face again. Maymie's hair had been cut short in the few weeks that Eliana was gone and Eliana thought it looked good. It was the first thing she commented on when the two dropped onto the couch in the rec room.

But now they were just talking. Eliana had her - Poe's - jacket wrapped around her as she lounged. It had mostly been small talk up until Maymie asked.

"So, how was the mission with Poe?" There was an implication to her words and Eliana gave her a look. Maymie smirked in response, "Don't look at me like that, we both know you would take any opportunity to s-"

"Shut up," Eliana snapped quickly. She knew exactly where Maymie's trail of thought was going and hated it. Hated it because Maymie was right. Maymie was so right because although she didn't initiate most make-outs on mission, she enjoyed every single one and didn't want a single one to stop. Poe was a good kisser.

"Why are you blushing?" The teasing lilt to Maymie's tone made Eliana want to disappear. She felt like sinking through the floor and vanishing. It wouldn't have bothered her as much if Maymie couldn't just see right through her.

"It doesn't matter," Eliana retorted. Maymie's jaw dropped and crawled over to Eliana, pushing her shoulder.

"Tell me what happened right now." It was not a request, it was a demand and Eliana shook her head. Her cheeks were bright red by now and the smile on her face was unmissable. Maymie smacked her arm playfully, "Eliana." The brunette groaned in response, sliding down the back of the sofa.

"We just kissed," Eliana responded as she looked up at Maymie. Her jaw dropped before she began to grin even wider.

"Just kissed?" There was a teasing lilt to her tone and it made Eliana want to hit her. She knew that they had done more but she didn't want to talk about it. She shouldn't talk about it. It would make everything worse.

"Made out," Eliana mumbled and Maymie hit her playfully. Her grin splitting across her face now. Maymie seemed more excited about it than Eliana was.

"How many times?" Maymie asked curiously. Eliana was suddenly very glad that they were the only two people in the rec room because Maymie was being loud. Anybody who was in there would have heard if they weren't alone.

"Too many," Eliana responded firmly. But it didn't deter Maymie who had moved to sit back on the sofa again. A victorious look on her face.

"You made out, stayed in the same bed and neither of you made a move?" Maymie asked curiously as she rolled her head to the side, meeting Eliana's gaze. The way her face lit up red again instantly made Maymie raise an eyebrow, "Excuse me? Tell me." Eliana rolled her eyes.

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