chapter twenty-three

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━━ CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE / mum and dad

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━━ CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE / mum and dad

Leia had returned from off-world which meant that Eliana and Poe were promptly called into a meeting. Everything was explained relatively quickly and Eliana felt the need to over explain why there was a tech overhaul and she also overexplained why she had trusted Relya in the first place. It was a mess but Leia was sweet, she was kind.
And there wasn't a feeling of judgement. Which meant - to Eliana - that the meeting was a complete and utter success. Poe had done most of the actual talking about what they had discovered on Naboo while Eliana sort of sat there. But it worked for both of them.

They came out of the meeting feeling happy, content and Poe could see that in how Eliana's shoulders dropped once the door shut behind them. A soft smile appeared on her lips.

"Well that went better than I expected," Eliana admitted and Poe grinned/

"I was talking. Of course it went well," The arrogance on his face was hard to miss but Eliana didn't feel the need to hit it off anymore. It was just endearing, annoyingly endearing and she rolled her eyes. She opened her mouth to retort but another two voices joined the conversation.

"I was wondering where you two had got to," Dow said. The tall dark-haired man was stood a few steps down the corridor and Eliana met his gaze, grinning. Nettie was stood beside him. Her pink hair had faded back into the blonde now but she looked gorgeous nonetheless.

"I assumed you were snogging in a closet," Nettie teased and Eliana glared at him. They were across from each other now and Poe gently shook his head. Bemused but not entirely ready for this conversation. Eliana could tell that he was sleepy through the entire meeting and it seemed to have finally caught up to him.

"On that note, I'm going to go take a nap," Poe said as he stepped away from the group. Eliana's face dropped and she watched him step away.

"You can't leave me with these maniacs!" Eliana whined and Poe shrugged. He was stepping backwards, away from the trio. That cocky grin still spread across his face.

"Out of my hands," He taunted as he held his hands up in mock defence. Eliana practically glared him down as he stepped back a few times before turning around completely and heading off to the bunks. A soft huff escaped her lips and she turned back around to Nette and Dow. Dow looked bemused, Nettie was feigning offence.

"What's so bad about us?" Nettie murmured with a mocking pout. Eliana narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. They both knew exactly why Eliana didn't want to be around Nettie at times. Her relentless questions were endearing but also so beyond infuriating.

"If you ask me one question about Poe, I will hit you," Eliana warned and Nettie chuckled softly. She wrapped her arm around Eliana's shoulder and they began to walk away from the corridor towards the main common area.

"I was going to ask how the mission went since you've been avoiding us all like the plague," Dow mumbled softly and Eliana looked surprised. It was odd that they were asking about the mission. She would have expected them to ask about her and Poe on the mission. She was pretty sure they all had a secret wager about how soon her and Poe would get together.

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