chapter twenty

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━━ CHAPTER TWENTY / playing a game

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━━ CHAPTER TWENTY / playing a game

The patrol was supposed to be an easy mission. They would linger around the space lanes for a few hours to ensure that there were no pirates or First Order raids and then they would return back to base. It was meant to be simple. An in-and-out op but then the First Order ships came and there was no escape from them.

Eliana shouted commands down the comm as they were under heavy fire and it was only with the assistance of Golden Squadron that they managed to get out unscathed. Eliana had become used to active combat in the depths of space but she had been exhausted and she barely got out with her life. She had been sloppy and as they jumped back through hyperspace, she muted the comm as the rest of the Squadrons celebrated just getting out of there alive.

Eliana felt sick. Her stomach twisting harshly as she stared through the viewport into the swirling depths of hyperspace. It was a quick journey and once she had been spat back into D'Qar's system, she unmuted the comms and flew down with the rest of the Squadrons.

The atmosphere was oddly excited once they'd touched down. Everyone jumped out of their ships and hugged each other. Eliana wasn't sure whether it was because they were glad they were alive or otherwise. But as soon as Eliana's ship hit the tarmac, she felt like throwing her guts up. So, rather than lingering, she got out of the X-Wing and rushed to the changing rooms which were the nearest bathrooms.

She slammed the bathroom stall door shut behind her and collapsed to her knees, hurling into the toilet bowl. Her head was spinning. Her stomach hurt and she had to hold back the tears as the vomit burned its way back up her throat. She coughed and spluttered as she frantically pushed her hair back but it kept falling in front of her face.
The tears eventually spilled as she collapsed down to the floor. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and let out a heavy sigh. The tears dripping down her face as she silently cried. Never in her few years with the Resistance had the change in gravity actually made her throw up. But she knew it was bigger than that.

She had felt sick as soon as they had jumped into hyperspace but it didn't make sense. She had never had such a visceral reaction after a skirmish and the gravity had never made her hurl. Part of her wondered if she had caught something or maybe, just maybe it was the alcohol finally catching up to her. She hadn't drunk a lot the previous night but even a little made her feel whoozy. It was the only explanation.

But once she had gathered the strength to stand, she flushed the toilet and washed her mouth out in the sink. The stall closed behind her and she moved to the changing rooms, slowly switching out of the obnoxiously orange jumpsuit. Nobody else had headed to the changing rooms yet which meant she was blissful alone as she switched clothes. She grabbed her - Poe's - jacket from the side and put it on as she trudged to her bunk.

She didn't bother turning the light on and instead, collapsed against her bed and curled up. Her body pressed as close to the wall as possible and she used the jacket as a protective layer. Her duvet pulled over her legs as she stared at the wall that she couldn't even see. The darkness had crept into every corner of the room and it leached into her soul as she tried to push away the nauseating dizziness that had infected every atom of her.

FRIENDLY FIRE, poe dameron ¹⁰ ✔Where stories live. Discover now