chapter eleven

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Relya had taken Eliana to her favourite restaurant and she couldn't believe it. It had been so long since she'd been there but it brought back so many memories. Memories of her days in the Senate and days with Relya. So many days with Relya and all the hedonistic things they'd done in the bathroom of that place. Not that they had ever been caught.

But it was weird to be back in the restaurant. It reminded Eliana of everything good at the Senate and as she looked at Relya, she only began to realise more and more why she had fallen so hard for Relya in the first place. She was gorgeous. Her hair was slicked back into a high ponytail and it showed off her jawline beautifully.

It was so easy to admire her. It was so easy to be in love with her. It wasn't easy to be in love with Poe. He was too teasing. Too much. But the second that the thoughts of Poe slipped into her mind, Eliana pushed them out. This was not about Poe. This was her night to spend with Relya for the first time in years.

"Are you really not going to tell me about your mission?" Relya asked as she picked up her glass of wine. She lifted it to her lips and took a sip, Eliana watching her every moment. Eliana shook her head in response, a small smile on her face.

"It's confidential. You should understand." Eliana added a little shrug to her words and Relya sighed. She leant back in her chair and there was a small smirk on her face. Eliana was always wary of those smirks. They never meant anything good.

"I'm just happy to see you," Relya shrugged. Her smirk had turned into a smile and Eliana couldn't help but grin as well. As worried as seeing Relya had made her, it felt good. It felt weird, different but good. It was so nice to have a familiar face. A familiar positive presence in her life. Poe was perfect but he was unrelenting in his teasing. Relya was a nice change.

"I'm happy to see you too but if you see me in the Senate, don't call me Eliana." Relya nodded her head dutifully but there was humour twinkling in her eyes. Eliana trusted her. She knew that Relya wouldn't blow her cover. They had more respect than that.

"Can you tell me anything you've been doing while we've been apart?" Relya asked. Eliana nodded. There was so much she wanted to tell her so they didn't waste any time. As their main course arrived, Eliana had already began her stories. The few missions she had gone on and the misadventures that had occurred.

But she mostly talked about piloting the X-Wings. It was something she had never expected herself to like. When she was on Coruscant, she never had the money to get lessons to drive the hover cars and she would never have been able to afford them. Public transport had been her saving grace but piloting the X-Wings had changed everything.

The adrenaline rush, the freedom, the views. It was everything that Eliana had craved in her life and she told Relya all about it. The absolute joy she felt piloting the ships. Even if she was usually piloting them into dangerous situations, she didn't care. It made her feel so much joy, her body high on the adrenaline as she weaved through asteroid fields.

FRIENDLY FIRE, poe dameron ¹⁰ ✔Where stories live. Discover now