chapter two

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━━ CHAPTER TWO / test flight

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━━ CHAPTER TWO / test flight

Poe had once again lost in Dejarik to Eliana, the reigning champion. It always put in a sour mood but it left Eliana flying high when she was called into Leia's office. It wasn't a formal meeting by any means but Eliana always saw Leia as someone far far above her. Leia was a hero in the galaxy and no family heritage would change that.

Her office was clean, sleek. Only containing what she needed and her droid always stood in the corner. Never interrupting, only recording whatever Leia told her to. The droid had made Eliana uneasy at first but now, she mostly forgot she was there unless Leia spoke it. It became a regular part of life.

"How was your test flight?" Leia asked as Eliana sat down across from her. The brunette pulled her leg up to rest underneath the other and settled back.

"Good. The modifications have improved the experience but we're going to need a few more test flights before anyone takes them out into the field," Eliana responded. Leia raised an eyebrow at the assertion. The older woman had assumed that they were field ready. All their maintenance checks had been approved and the mechanics had assured her, "The controls are a little more sensitive than we are used to. It's no fault of the modifications themselves but I found it a little difficult to adjust. So, it would be unwise to use them in the field without the pilots having adjusted beforehand. I nearly knocked into the hangar wall on landing but otherwise, the flights are smoother than before and the change in gravity field feels a lot better. There was less nausea this time." The brunette explained.

Usually, in the older X-Wings, she would still be feeling the after effects of the change in gravity fields but between Poe distracting her and the smoother transitions between gravity, she felt okay. If she stood up too quickly, she knew the nausea would hit her like a truck but that was nothing she hadn't dealt with before.

"Noted," Leia nodded. Eliana smiled. She wasn't sure what else there was to say. She just hoped it could be of some help. Leia glanced over at her holopad and Eliana watched as the cogs whirred in her brain, "Do you miss Coruscant?" That question was not one Eliana had been expecting and she found herself floundering.

Her mouth opened but no words seemed to come out. Nobody had asked her that. Not in the years she'd been with the resistance. Nobody even really knew that she was originally from there. Not everyone liked to talk about their pasts.

"I suppose, sometimes. I miss my friends and watching the sunrise from the roof of our tower block. I miss the Senate and how routine and easy it felt to be in that position. I miss parts of it but, I don't prefer it," Eliana rambled slightly. She knew she was but it was something she hadn't prepared for, "Why?" Leia seemed hesitant for a moment before she sighed.

"An opportunity has opened up to return but if you would rather stay on base, I can allow it," Leia explained. Eliana's head turned slightly and she raised an eyebrow. An opportunity to go back to Coruscant, she would take. It was still her home even if it was a giant shithole.

FRIENDLY FIRE, poe dameron ¹⁰ ✔Where stories live. Discover now