chapter seven

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━━ CHAPTER SEVEN / senator bream

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━━ CHAPTER SEVEN / senator bream

Eliana and Poe were ready to meet the Senator in time and Eliana had put her hair up. The hairstyle wasn't particularly elaborate but it was simple and elegant. Her outfit was formal but not overly so. She knew what kind of meeting this would be and from what she had read, Senator Bream was a judgemental man.

His planet was significant in the Mid-Rim but she had never heard the name be of any significance in the wider galaxy. But he had a lot of personal wealth. His family had profited during the Empire's rule and now he was using that very same money to fuel the First Order.

That much, Leia had found out but now Eliana needed to find out about everyone else. Find out who else was doing business with the First Order under the table. Eliana knew that if they were able to cut off the supply chain of credits then the First Order would crumble. That's what Eliana had to do for the Resistance.

Poe was on the military aspect. There were inconsistencies in documents that Leia had got her hands on which led her to believe that the Republic Military was - in some way - helping the First Order. Poe had to find out if that was true.

But for now, they were tackling the dinner with the Senate together. They held hands all the way to the Senate building and Eliana let herself admire Poe. He cleaned up nicely and he had taken a shower so he smelled so much nicer. The lingering smell of smoke and metal from flying the X-Wings gone and replaced with a pleasant smell she couldn't put her finger on.

Pretending to be a couple made it easier. She didn't have to pretend that he didn't smell nice. She didn't have to pretend that he didn't look gorgeous dressed smart-casual. But as soon as they reached Senator Bream's office, she put her attention completely onto him.

She did much of the talking as he finished his last bits of business for the day. Bream apologised profusely for his tardiness but Eliana was as polite and diplomatic as ever. It was a side to her that Poe had never really seen.

There had always been the air of a diplomat to her when they did certain things but this was a whole new side of her. He liked seeing her in her element. There was a spark in her eyes that he hadn't seen since she had first piloted an X-Wing.

The trio eventually left Senator Bream's office and they took a holo-taxi into central Coruscant. Eliana recognised the district as one of the posher ones. Relya had taken her to this part of time so many times during Eliana's internship. It was always beautiful and the food was delectable. Poe got to experience the luxury, probably for the first time.

As they walked into the restaurant, Poe leaned down so his mouth was by her ear and whispered, "You're never this kind when I flirt with you." It was quiet enough that Senator Bream wouldn't have heard but she felt her face flush. Both the proximity and the fact he openly admitted that he did flirt with her made her cheeks heat up.

But also the implication that Bream had been flirting to her felt absurd. She wasn't entirely sure how to take the statement. However, it wasn't an issue for long because they were quickly seated and were ordering. Eliana was careful with what she chose and the conversation quickly began.

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