A Letter

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Levi sat on his bed waiting for the day to be over. It was late, the sun had set and it was freezing. As much as he wanted to sleep he couldn't, so he waited.

Lately, the brat has been really secretive, along with avoidant, though that's nothing new.

Levi is curious as to what you are hiding. He thought whatever you had planned wasn't going to be amusing,

"Sneaky brat," He muttered under his breath. "What're you up to?" His thoughts were interrupted by the sliding of, something, under the door.

He stood and walked to the white paper on the floor.


Knowing you, you probably spend Christmas alone, and that's fine, maybe you don't celebrate it, but today is your birthday, the one day when you should be celebrated, and you aren't

Maybe, and this might be a stretch, but you feel as if it isn't worth celebrating, but I do. If there's one thing I've learned over the years it's that even if you like being alone, being alone on your birthday kinda sucks.

I'm in the living room watching Christmas movies, with cookies and wine, if you want to join me. If not, then the wine will still be here but I can't promise the cookies will.


He eyed the paper and sighed, softly biting the inside of his mouth. I have nothing else to do.

He opened the room door and the light leading to the stairs. Levi climbed the stairs but didn't go any farther than the kitchen.

He watched you laugh on the couch, covered by a blanket. You look so happy watching some silly movie, and for some reason, he wanted to be there too.

The movie you were watching was Home Alone, though it didn't look like the original Kutchel would watch every Christmas.

He walks to the couch and sits on the opposite side of you, all, while your gaze, is fixed on the television. You only notice him after you heard the light crunching.

"So you decided to join me after all?" You teased. Levi only rolled his eyes and continued to eat his cookie. It was a gingerbread man and Levi bit the head off. "I'm only here because of the wine."

You smile at his lie.

"Thank you, Y/n," He told you.

"Ah, it's no problem," You assure him. Your attention moves from the movie to Levi. "Happy Birthday Levi," You added.

"Merry Christmas, Y/n." He said softly.


Arranged [Levi x fem! Reader] Modern a.uWhere stories live. Discover now