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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't. ♥


 I groaned rolling over.

My back hurting. I blinked a few times before realizing i was on my couch. I tried to sit up but there was something restricting me and i heard a groan. 

Looking over Wonho's arm was wrapped around me and i was leaning into his shoulder. I tried to pull away again but he pulled my body closer to his

Wonho: Jas... quit moving.

Me: Dude we fell asleep on the couch. My back hurts. Plus i have to pee

I snatched his arm off and rushed to the bathroom inside of my room. After finishing and washing my hands I yawned and stretched. ready to hit my mattress when i opened the door only to find wonho stretched out under my covers. It was obvious he had taken his shoes and shirt off because both items where on the floor in front of the bed.

i picked up and pillow before smacking him with it.

Me: Uh Uhhh get dressed and go home. 

Wonho groaned turning over to face away from me.

I stood on the bed hovering  over him and began hitting him over and over with the pillow. His eyes stayed closed as he constantly blocked the blows he grabbed my ankle pushing it to the side and i squealed before falling off the bed. 

I stood up gasping

Me: You bitch!? You are in my bed... do you want to fight?

He turned facing me before smirking at me

Wonho: Try me

he said sitting up. the cover falling from his chest causing me to go still for a moment at the sight of his toned chest. 

He chuckled and was about to speak but we both jumped when there was banging on my door along with my doorbell ringing over and over.

I rushed out of my room the front door swinging it open.

Only to see a concerned E-woo standing shirtless with socks and sweat shorts on. 

E-woo: What's wrong!? I heard a squeal and a banging sound?

i honestly forgot he was my neighbor.  

Me: Uhhh nothing I'm fine sorry I didn't mean to wake you

He went to speak but he stopped and his brow raised. I was confused until i felt wonho's chest behind me causing me to go stiff. This has to look bad... Im in a boxer set and a robe. Wonho's in socks and grey sweats.

Here i am standing in between two shirtless men

Wonho: What's up?

E-woo: Oh? I see.. and what exactly was going on before i showed up?

Me: Nothing, it's really not what it looks like

I rambled. Wonho wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me back into his chest. 

Wonho: We were trying to sleep.... in her room..... in the bed

I stabbed him in the gut with my elbow

Me: Like i said... nothing is going on here

E-woo: Oh...... jas? you decided to take him up on his offer to be his fake wife? Isn't it a bit early trying for a baby huh?

he asked smirking at me. I gasped

Wonho: And if she did?

Me:  Which i DIDN'T

E-woo smirked

E-woo: Of course she didn't if she had to pick a fake hubby we all know it would've been me

he smirked at wonho who mugged him. E-woo really enjoyed pushing his bestfriends buttons.

these two love pissing each other off.

I shook my head as they went back and forth

Me: you're both a peace of shit. Shut up. I'd rub my coochie on scorching hot concrete before i got with and or had a baby with either of you

they both gasped. 



I placed my hand on my head shaking it

Me: Maybe you should sleep at E's

they both yelled no causing me to jump before they mugged each other. E started scratching his neck

E-woo: Actually jas... I know it's really early in the morning but i was planning to come over anyway.... can you make me some breakfast...

i rolled my eyes walking away as they both followed me back into my place.

Wonho: Jazzy??? you've been making breakfast for him?

E-woo: Well yeah... we are neighbors and really close. We eat together all the time.

Wonho frowned as they followed me into the kitchen

Wonho: Jas? why aren't you close to me

before i could speak e spoke

E-woo: Well are you her neighbor?

Wonho huffed

Wonho: Maybe i should be? I'll just move into the unit across from you two... it's empty. 

E-woo: Absolutely not!? why can't you let us have our thing

Wonho: Why do you need a thing with jasmine when you can just fuck all the slutty whores you bring over daily

E clapped back just as fast

E-woo: Why do you need to be close with jasmine huh? so you can get on her good side and trick her into falling for you so you can make daddy proud.

I rolled my eyes at both of them

Me: You're both annoying... And if yall don't shut the fuck up, I'll kick you both out. Go watch a ball game in the livin room or something. Just let me cook in peace. 

They both pouted at me before walking away.... about 5 minutes later i roll my eyes at the sound of both of them cheering on some game 

I swear they are like little kids.

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