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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't. ♥


I woke up and my head was pounding... It was really dark.. but then i realized there was a bag over my head... a bit confused i tried to remove it when i realized my hands were tied..

i began to remember my situation and what was happing. Freaking out i went to stand to my feet when i heard a voice causing me to freeze. there was several voices actually.

they were approaching me.

"Yeah i didn't want to ruin your party so i waited until it this morning to notify you, sorry you have to wake up and deal with this the day after your party boss"

that voice... i know that voice.. BOSS??!?? oh no..

I was 3 seconds from pissing myself when i heard a door open and many footsteps.

i was pulled up onto my feet and the bag was snatched from my hand. The first thing i realized is we were standing in what looked like a warehouse, there was huge crates everywhere. Only god knows whats in them. It was obviously day time as the sun shined threw the high windows. I winced as the guy from last night gripped my shoulder pulling me closer to no one other than the wonho guy himself..

he looked a bit confused.....before looking me up and down

Wonho: E-woo... this? this is who planned to steal from me?

i was taken back. His voice was very soft.

The guy who im now sure name was E-woo nodded.

E-woo: Yeah there was another strangler but they got away with a little cash.

I mugged him knowing he let her go...

he gripped my arm tighter and kept going

E-woo: But this one... was the master mind behind it all. I'm not even sure how they got into the registers those are hard to crack. Let alone by passed many check points before entering the building.

He tossed me onto the ground at Wonho's feet and i groaned

Me: hey!?

i went to speak but froze when i raised my head only to see Wonho now squatting down in front of me... he was eyeing me. almost as if he was trying to break some type of hidden code..

Wonho: impressive....she's obviously on drugs.. get rid of her out back. I can't have other addicts figuring out how to get into my facilities.

he went to walk away but i screamed as E-woo grabbed me

Me: HEY!?? wait.. im not on drugs you dick.

E-woo kneed me and i fell over groaning.

Wonho: oh?? so.... what exactly brings you here??

i rolled my eyes looking away from him

Me: rents due...

thats all i said and Wonho gave me an amused look before E-woo kicked me.

i yelped.

Wonho: I can tell by your appearance that you most definitely Don't have a place to go home to. nor have you in a while i'm assuming... What exactly did you think you were doing last night.

he gripped my chin and i winced as he made me face him.

Me: I .... i needed the money. I've been homeless for a while now. My friend said you wouldn't notice if some went missing. We'd be straight. and i could live a better life.

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