Your Daily Dose of Jadrion

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A little late new years gift. This ones pretty wholesome.

"What's wrong?" John asked and the spikey ball of fluff fought its way around Adrions sweater. Adrion didn't know what to do. On one hand Plot was worse than a dried up pine tree, but on the other hand Plot was the only cat that approached Adrion in the last 2 hours.

"There's a cat down my sweater!" Adrion panicked. John took action.

Adrion's brain once more chose not to process anything, as the black haired man walked over and kneeled over him, face only inches from his. "Come here kitty, kitty." John cooed as the cat curled up, unmoving.

Adrion had asked, "By the way John, If you plan on staying in New Boston any longer, maybe we can catch up sometime?" John obliged, blushing.

They decided to meet up at a cat cafe with a cat poster outside.

"Hey! John, over here!" Adrion yelled, waving at the black haired man.

John waved at the blonde haired man before walking over.

John gave an awkward smile at Adrion, who gave an awkward smile back before leading them inside.

Inside, they ordered some drinks and cats, and sat there in very awkward silence as they waited.

When he finally gathered the courage to speak, John said, "This cat's kind of like you..."

Adrion stared at the cat on John's lap and then back at him.

The cat was a cute calico, ears fluffy and tail curled around John's leg.

Adrion couldn't help but feel jealous of how the cat was being petted by John, but that quickly turned into panic as the boy processed johns initial comment,

"I' that cat?" The blonde hair boy asked, angling his green orbs at the black haired boy.

John nodded. "This cat's cute."

Adrion just stared as a waitress came by and placed 2 lattes in front of them.

The latter had cats drawn on them with milk. Cute cats. Adrion finally processed the comment.

"H-huh?!" Adrion inquired, blushing.

John avoided his gaze, sipping his drink as the kitty flopped on him.

Adrion told himself to get it together and picked up his drink, feeling bad to drink the cute cat latte.

The two sat awkwardly. Adrion and John occasionally made bad attempts to communicate like asking about the weather and their parents, but it was quite awkward.

John's heart was beating heavily. He couldn't believe what he had told Adrion, but on the other hand he wasn't lying either. Adrion was just as adorable to him as the cats were.

The black haired man wondered if it would be acceptable to try making a move on him after everything he had done. Claire hadn't given him a chance to redeem himself, which was acceptable. Adrion on the other hand did indeed give John a chance.

This chance wasn't something the black haired man wanted to blow, but John was quite impulsive. He wasn't good at taking it slow, he wanted to be with him now.

Adrion on the other hand was thinking about how the cats were avoiding him and piling on top of John instead. The blonde haired man didn't blame the cats, hot things were nice to be around since they were so nice and cozy. John was hot. Therefore Adrion concluded that John was nice to be around.

Though by now the two had both come to the same conclusion, John's guilt and Adrions intrusive thoughts kept them sitting awkwardly and silently.

Until a random cat jumped inside adrions sweater. This cat was named, "Plot". Plot was more of a porcupine than a cat.

"O-ow!" Adrion yelped. John took notice.

"I'll try grabbing him if you want." John said. Adrion simply nodded, as his face was so close to the black haired mans. John leaned closer, his face near Adrions ear.

Adrion held his breath. John tried maneuvering the cat, who refused to move.

They were so close, but this time the black haired man was the oblivious one. Adrion was as flushed as a tomato on the other hand.

The two locked eyes, and Plot snuck out.

The tension was rising.

"Uh...? Sir, we are closing...?" A waitress said, destroying any hopes for romance.

As the two walked out, blushing, John asked, "Uh...Wanna meet up later?"

"It's a date then." Adrion replied.


"Huh?- OH! N-no, like I mean the date we'll meet. I'll be there." Adrion uttered.

"I didn't even tell you a date yet, though..." John stated.

The two decided to meet on February 14. Because neither of them considered that maybe meeting up on Valentine's day was kinda...romantic?

Atleast I hope its the 14th of February lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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